Friday, March 31, 2006

Kickin it with Katia

I had a wonderfully productive Friday!(Thank you mercury outta retrograde, I am feeling so human again! anyone? anyone? u too? good....) Got buncha work done, then afterwards had a lovely tea date with Miss Katia, who as you can see is ready to meet her daughter! She and Pete just moved around the corner and I am so happy to have them as my new neighbors. It was incredible to feel the baby squirm and kick around her belly, and she is so gorgeous and radiant!So happy and you can really tell. They are giving birth in their new home and have the tub all set up, ready to go, in the living room. It looks like a hot tub and gets up to 100 degrees, almost went for a dip but reconsidered it..... We chatted way into the evening, and then she even helped me fix up this 'ol blawg of mine, ain't it Purty? Thanks darlin! Pete came home and had dinner with us, a yummy healthy concoction and then we had a buncha wine... yum. Katia asked me to back them up during the birth, to which I am so indcredibly honored that I would be thought of. So I am officially "on call" as she is due next week. Monday I am going over to smudge and bless the space, and then...... we get to meet igirl! Hoorah!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh Gloria!

" I wish our future selves could meet our past selves and say, " It's OK. Do what you want to do. That's the important thing. " The indefatigable Gloria Steinem

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

La Luna Nueva

Inspired by Helen's New Moon Book, this is a good time to write down our wishes and intentions for the next cycle. I am so glad that this moon has passed, lemme tell ya. It was a doozy. Very high highs and low lows, sometimes hourly. I am coming out of it inspired and ready to rock! Welcome Aries, Welcome Spring! My hopes/desires/intentions for right now, this is what I have come up with:

*~ To be more gentle with myself, not listen to that harsh, judgmental voice of mine. Try to be motivated by my movement forward, not self judgment and fear.

*~ To fall back on my faith more, to continue to be open to the signs and wonders that continue to unveil my path.

*~ To have faith in my own decisions, to listen to my own voice, and not fall victim to distraction or self doubt.

*~ To use my energy wisely (thank you r..) and to use this energy to also ready and organize my work/home/life so that I may begin to leave well.

*~ To not give my energy to sources that are emotional pot holes, especially to needy men that I continue to be drawn to , who are not serving me on my path, and to seek out my own comfort in healthy sustaining energizing ways .

*~To pay attention to my body, mind, spirit, and dreamworld. To engage in activities that cultivate well being that are in affinity with what I desire and need.

*~To have faith that everything I need will be provided for me, as it always has been, and that it will all be o.k. .....

*~ To be present and loving to the people that love me too!

*~ To accept that Spirit has a plan for me that may not be unveiled before me right now.

*~ To remember that it's just a wave, it's not the whole ocean.....
Phew. Am I asking for too much? All you can do is ask, right?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Big Leap and The Deep Root Down

So I haven't talked about this at all here. My reasons are many, but mostly I haven't been ready to yet. Also Mercury In Retrograde has encouraged me not to . But thats over, thank gawd! Most people who have access to this Blawg here know, but some don't, so sorry for the shock. I am "coming out" so to speak about my news.

So as many of you know, I have been struggling with my East Coast/ West Coast urges. Ideally, I would have homes and a life on both sides of the Coast. One to accommodate each family and community I am blessed to have. At this point unfortunately this is not possible due to my work and sensible outlook on expenses. This in turn has held my life in someone of a stand still in some areas of my life, i.e. where do I continue to build my life, buy a home, put my "root down", and it is at long last I have made a decision. The roller coaster is over: I am going East. Two weeks ago I found out that I was accepted to the Omega Institute for work trade. For those of you who aren't aware of it, it is a pre-Eselan retreat center in Rhinebeck, NY. They invite our best contemporary writers, poets, musicians, visionaries, spiritualists, of our time to teach week long intensive courses on varied topics dispersed with daily yoga/tai chi/water sports/meditation, etc. . I will be living in an 8x8 tent for six weeks and will be able to stay on through October if I wish. It is a beautiful campus, and happens to be in the village I have considered moving to since last summer when I visited. Rhinebeck is very diverse, arty, progressive, and absolutely gorgeous and idyllic. Omega also has an intensive curriculum for employees that includes Reiki training and Psychic Development, Art, Music, and much more. Check it out: My main intention is to get clear, get my body and spirit strong, and to paint. Living outside after living in a very urban area for so long is definitely necessary as well. Also making contacts with interesting people who can connect me with opportunities will be beneficial and give me a chance to see what life will be like there without having to sign a lease or make any huge commitments. Best of all worlds as I can see.

So I am packing up my home of 8 years, leaving my job of 3, and saying Goodbye for now for my city of, at that point, 11 years. I am calling it a "sabbatical" as at the end of the summer, 6 months, one year later, if I want to come back, I can. If I want to stay, I will. I am open to all possiblilities that the Universe and Great Spirit will offer me. I am going to "clean off" after ten years of social service work and re-assess where I am needed in this world and what I want as well. My dear friend Moss (who is also moving to NY bless his heart) and I will be leaving SF June 3rd and taking a very hedonistic trip across our country, going through the south and staying with friends and family along the way. I will have two weeks to decompress, throw a 60th Birthday Party for my dear mum, lay on the beach, and get ready.

Lets just say that the emotional train I have been on for the past five years around staying or going has escalated to hourly fits of questions and resolutions. Seriously. I go from, "wow this is so right" to "holy shit what the frig am I doing" hourly. I am resolved to have faith in this decision as I am a serious believer in signs and wonders, and have received some very solidifying signs that this is what should be happening right now. I will figure out the rest all in its good time. This plan kinda created itself so to speak, and I pray hourly for me to have faith in my decisions. I know in order for me to move forward I need to take this chance to see what life is like for me when I am still. Leap and the Net shall Catch You, or something like that......

Monday, March 27, 2006

Goodbye Then

XT in the OC

Spent this weekend in Newport Beach, which is a world away from San Francisco lemme tell you. It was amazing to be with my family though and in what has become a spring tradition, spending the weekend with my GMa and Mother, Aunt and Uncle, doing what they do in The OC. Saturday we went on my Uncle's new boat, which is just amazing! My body sometimes is not in line with my adventurous spirit however, so my glamorous accessories of the day were the pressure point bracelets (thanks shmess!) that help you not churl like the chum! It was an assorted group of people on the boat that are my Uncle's and Aunt's friends with us, a range including a school teacher and the President of Century 21 who lives in the town where I was born! We spent a good five hours up and down the coast and it is really so beautiful. We saw many animals including sea lions and pelicans chasing the boat, one who was picking a fight with my momma! Afterwards my Mum and I went into the Yacht Club and jumped in the hot tub and sauna which is so decadent and relaxing; very needed after a hard day of yachting! Next day, off again to the Club for an incredible brunch which was a smoked salmon fantasy! My mom is obsessed with basketball and whooed the maitre'd who was gorgeous and tall and obviously a basketball player to turn on the tv in the buffet room so she could watch the game. Pretty soon she had a huge crowd around her all involved in the March Maddness! Needless to say the women who had dragged their husbands away from the game at home for brunch were not at all amused! We spent the rest of the day at Rodger's Gardens which is the most incredible garden store EVER! Rows and rows of the most beautiful flowers and plants and bulbs and statues and things that you want in your house and your garden. Every year we go through there and it is always such a treat. Then off to Laguna Beach for some shopping and a beautiful sunset. Totally not my world at all but it is fun to get outta the city and be a visitor in another land......far... far away.......

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I've been tagged!!!!

Rachels invitation to participate in:

The Four Things Meme

Four Jobs I've Held:

Postmistress Menemsha, Marthas Vineyard: My sophmore year in college I had the opportunity to work in an old fashioned post office/general store on Marthas Vineyard. Very old school MV ~complete with the old men sitting on the front stoop sipping lemonade. Right outside on the water was where most of Jaws was filmed. I did the mail in a one woman post office inside the store for all of the village, and some of the famous including Jackie O and Carly Simon received mail there, and I had the pleasure to meet them. Carly was super perky and friendly. Worshipped her. Shared an afternoon cookie with Jackie after she asked me if she could use the restroom. No one was to use the restroom, but, who was I to deny Jackie O the throne? "What is your name?" she asked afterwards... me trying not to stutter, "Christie". "Well Christie, I am Jackie, have some cookie!" as she extended her long gorgeous arm...fant, gasp. I was undeniably cool though, and I think she really appreciated that. So classy, so lovely, so Jackie.

Museum Teacher, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA: After working in the graveyard bookstore where the "Witch Judges" were buried, I moved into the job of Museum Teacher. My role was to teach the Witchcraft Trials in Salem from a historical perspective using period houses, artifacts, and real court documents from the time.( No I did not have to dress up in period costume, I can just hear J.H. now.) It was an amazing experience and I based my Senior Thesis on this topic. Very appropriate at the time for a witchy goth like me. I did work there for two Halloweens during college which was always a blast as Laurie Cabot, Salem's Official Witch of Salem, would hold her annual Samhain festival with her whole crew, and across the street was us, and then on the other corner was the Christian Evangelists telling all of us that we were going to hell. Very exciting.

Resident Assistant: In college someone decided that I was a role model because I worked hard and partied hard. Makes sense to me. So I was an RA, usually a bad word on college campuses, but this was a real start to my counseling career. And after some good advice, I usually smoked them out in myu closet with my huge bong!

Waitressing, Everywhere USA: A lot of young girls, esp. girls in Jersey, did retail to subsidize their cigarettes and hairspray. I was a waitress. And I always made sure I could waitress in a place where I, not the customer, was always right. Mexican, Seafood, lots of Seafood Joints, Cocktails, more fish, British Cafes (blood sausage barf!!!), and even here in SF. I was a great waitress, making up recipe's, stories, and poems to scorned lovers in my head while I was slinging hash. I was good and it was good cash.

Four Films I Could Watch Ad Infinitum

The Outsiders
The first three Star Wars
Latcho Drom
Best In Show

Four Places I've Lived...

~Salem, MA, in an attic during the summer on a wool futon and a bat named Ugly
~Martha's Vineyard, MA, in a house with six other crazy girls in Oaks Bluff
~Portland, Maine, where I was having an affair with my much older hot upstairs
artist neighbor
~In my head, for way too long!

Four TV Series I Like:

*The Sopranos *Sex and the City *The L Word *Six Feet Under (apparently I am an HBO whore without HBO)

    Four Places I've Been on Vacation:

    Vieques, Puerto Rico
    Colonge, Germany
    White Fish, Montana

    Four Foods I Love:
    Home Cookin: My mom's crab cakes and cole slaw in the summer, anything cooked by my Grandmother, my stepmom's chicken cutlets with gravy (Italian for sauce)
    Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate
    Thai, Asian anything really...
    Bread, Bread, and More Bread, that I am trying not to eat it right now dammitt

    Four Sites I Visit Daily:

    My friends Blogs
    (i love learning new words...)

    Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:

    At a Spearhead show with my ladies (I have to ditto R on this...)
    Kayaking in bioluminescent water on a full moon in Vieques, PR
    At the beach with my Mom and Sister in Jersey
    Greece with my new lover

    Four People I'm tagging:

    graceopenheart luckyjuju jess i don't know anyone else, really...

    Monday, March 20, 2006

    Mizz Thea

    The first time I met Thea was my first day on the Playa this year, Chris invited me to a Jazz Camp to see her sing. Needless to say she had me at the first note. Although we didn't spend any time together, I knew on sight she was a sister indeed. Our first walk together on "The Beach" felt more like a catch up than a first conversation. It's incredible to connect to people on that level, where not a lot of exploration on the basics is needed, you transcend onto a higher level naturally. It may be her East Coast Roots (Boston, Rhode Island), it may be her Italian Heritage, it may be that we were meant to be friends, and I am very thankful for this new/old friend. She is off to India on Thursday in what is meant to be a journey indeed, so we celebrated with Vietnamese food tonight and I got to see her Jewelry Studio which was so incredible! Check her amazing work out: ! Safe Journey Thea!

    Sunday, March 19, 2006

    Spring is Here!

    Today is the first day of Spring! The Spring Equinox is also known as: Alban Eilir, Eostar, Eostre, Feast of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Festival of Trees, Lady Day, NawRuz, No Ruz, Ostara, Ostra, Rites of Spring, and the Vernal Equinox.

    On Spring Equinox, night and day are balanced. From now on, daylight grows longer. After the Spring Equinox, the Sun still continues to follow a higher and higher path through the sky, with the days growing longer and longer, until it reaches it highest point in the sky on the Summer Solistice. They say with patience you can balance an egg on it's head due to the earth's placement. Try it! I am just really really happy it's Spring. Now the weather must cooperate!

    If you are curious about the Spring Equinox:

    As the newly reborn sun races across the sky, the days become longer, the air warmer and, once again, life begins to return to the land. Twice a year, day and night become equal in length.

    To the elders of the Olde Way, these times, equinoxes, were markers in which seeds would be planted and then harvested. The first of these, the Spring or Vernal Equinox occurs on or about March 21st.

    The ancient goddess, Eostre, a Saxon deity who marked not only the passage of time but also symbolized new life and fertility, was the key symbol of this celebration which was also known as Ostara. Legend has it that the goddess was saved by a bird
    whose wings had become frozen by the cold of winter.

    This process turned the bird into a hare. Yet this was no ordinary cottontail; this long-eared rabbit could also lay eggs!

    The main symbols for Easter are the egg, for new life or beginnings, and the rabbit/hare, for fertility.

    Spring Cleaning
    The Vernal Equinox is a time of renewal, both in Nature and in the Home. More than just physical activity, "spring cleaning" removes any negative energy accumulated over the dark winter months and prepares the home for the positive growing energy of spring and summer.

    Celebrating the Vernal Equinox
    While the Vernal Equinox was an important point of passage in the year, the actual method of marking the festival varied from village to village and people to people. Rituals and invocations for abundance in the new crops being planted would often be held during the new moon closest to the Equinox (traditionally a good time to plant). In some places this was also the time when promises were made between lovers for the Handfasting Ceremony that would come at Midsummer. In a very real sense the ceremony was an expression of hope and trust in the new lives that would blossom in the warmth of summer.

    Even the latter day celebration (comparatively speaking) of Easter acknowledged the significance of the Vernal Equinox. The Council of Nice decreed in 325 A.D. that "Easter was to fall upon the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the Vernal Equinox."

    This time of equality between day and night has been, and continues to be, a timekeeper, marking our passage from darkness and cold to warmth and light.

    Rabbit and Chick, Symbols of the Vernal EquinoxRelationship to Easter
    As Christianity spread across Europe and Britain, these older symbols became incorporated into the new faith's holiday of Easter; even the name seems to have been a variant of the Goddess whose festival was originally celebrated with the arrival of spring. The old rites honoring the planting of new seeds, the fertility of the land and its people, and the hope of the new life arising in the world were replaced by solemn displays commemorating Christ and Christian beliefs.

    horizontal rule

    The Pistol Opera

    Saturday Night was an *All Star Reunion* at Cafe Du Nord, featuring Eli's newish band Pistol Opera, NECKMEAT, ZACHARIAH & THE LOBOS RIDERS, and DYLAN CONNOR, visiting from Connecticut. It was seriously a family reunion, as everyone now is "on the road", living in different parts of the world, and hitting the big time. This crew used to be regulars rocking out at the Hotel Utah on a monthly basis, and they were sorely missed. Shannon, Dan and Sarah, KC,Sudie, Greg, and all the big Eli fans were in fine form, singing out hearts out and just loving it! Jessica in our melancholy mode again, were reminicing how we used to go watch Eli and Fuse way back in the day at Arena Interplay. I remember being obnoxious yelling out "Free Bird", but he' so cool, he woulda sung it for me anyway. Pistol Opera sounds amazing, check them out at:

    Friday, March 17, 2006

    Kiss Me I'm Irish!

    St. Patricks Day in San Francisco is usually more annoying than joyous, with drunken slobs smelling up the streets and pissing green everywhere. I grew up going to the pubs in the East Village, celebrating with my friends and remembering it as a very fun "holiday". Then they wouldn't let gay people march in the parade and it all went to hell after that. So I am very Irish, my Grandmother's Mother and three sisters (out of a family of 9 count em 9, my great great grandmother had eleven children but two passed on) came to the US "on the boat" so they say and worked very hard to be here .They lived together in Connecticut and were known as the foxy sisters before some of them married. They worked as seamstresses for rich families , including Mr. Warner of the Warner Bro's, who fancied my Great Grandmother Kate and was tried to be super handsy with her. She was tough shit though, and made her own liquor out of potatoes in her tub, so you know she wasn't having it.....Anyway, Happy St. Patrick's day, stay away from the green beer!

    Thursday, March 16, 2006

    Shmess and the 'Ol Haunt

    (4 my o.g. biznatches:)
    This is Jess at Cafe Abir, our good 'ol stompin grounds where we've had many Chai's and Turkey Salads, miss those days. I'm talking like 8 years ago now. I was in such a bad mood today, harsh moon that this is, and she was getting her car fixed and was at Abir. My 1pm cancelled and I flew down the street with wings. Just what I needed, my girl and a chai. She's just as frenzied and harshed on by this moon as me, and I didn't want to talk to anyone today, but she just makes this ok somehow. (It's nice having a friend just as mental as you are. I love having her back in SF!) We were hardcore melancholy today being there. It was wild looking around at all the folks who used to be there- that are still there, they look older and more worn for the wear, just like us we laughed.

    I love this cafe, (on Divisdero and Fulton)~ it is truly an international landing post. Me and the girls spent many a Sunday morning reliving the previous nights debauchery, crawling there in our sweats begging for chai. It was like our living room, centrally located from everyones house when the hood used to be the hood, and we liked it dark and dirty (you know what I am talking 'bout ladies). This is way back in the day when Karina lived with David at Arena and Jess at 729, I wasn't even on Hayes yet and Gal was up in the attic on Alamo Square (when Gal was gay, i love saying that ; ) ). Kt created the turkey salad there and I think spent most of her time studying for the BAR there, popping in on us in her breezy Katy way. "So San Francisco Sex and the City" we'd say. We fancied ourselves much more progressive and interesting that the NYC girls, but knew we couldn't match them on the heels or fashion. The NYC girls had us beat in this area, but we were so San Francisco we didn't even care...

    Wednesday, March 15, 2006

    Dahlia, Aunti TeeTee, and The Ides of March!

    Sounds like some kind of children's story, it kinda is. This is my favorite little lady Dahlia, who lights up my life every time I get to be with her. I still feel her glow. I am Auntie TeeTee by the way; Dahlia language for Christie don't ya know. She was "very excited" to meet me today- wearing the hat I gave to her for her birthday, cause she really hates wearing hats but did this just for me, bless her heart! Met Gal in Oakland to drive Dahlia to Dave's parents house in Castro Valley, then off for some Mexican food with Dave and Gal at their house. Such a pleasure to spend time with them, Gal and I reminiscing as we always do about our almost decade of friendship. Catching up with Dave which is always so quality. Such a blessing to have them in my life!

    Ok so this is March 15th: We always hear "Beware The Ides of March!" but what in the heck does it mean? If you are at all interested, read below:

    Beware the Ides of March!
    From Anthony Peña,Your Guide to Astrology.

    The ominous warning, "Beware the Ides of March," originated with the Roman ruler, Julius Caesar, who was assassinated on the Ides of March -Marchh 15, 44 B.C.E. If you've heard the ominous warning, then it's most likely due to William Shakespeare and his play, Julius Caesar.
    The warning itself was made famous in Shakespeare's play on Julius Caesar, when an unidentified soothsayer tells Caesar, who is on his way to the Senate (and his death), "Beware the ides of March." Caesar replies, "He is a dreamer; let us leave him. Pass."
    The Astrologer SpurinnaAccording to historical writer C.J.S. Thompson, Ph.D. in The Mystery and Romance of Astrology, 1929, the unidentified soothsayer from Shakespeare's play was a Roman astrologer by the name of Spurinna. According to Thompson - and confirmed in Plutarch's account of the story written in 75 A.D. and Suetonius in 110 A.D. - it was sometime prior to the fateful day of March 15 that Spurinna had first given Caesar the famous warning to "beware of the Ides of March."
    The astrologer, Spurinna, had previously warned Caesar that on "the Ides of March," he would be in great danger. If, however, Julius Caesar took care on that one day - then all would be well.
    According to Plutarch's account, Caesar had previously made the wise decision to stay within the safety of his bedroom chambers on the 15th of March. However, Caesar's "friend" Decimus (Albinus) Brutus (not Marcus Brutus) managed to convince him that the astrologer's warnings were nothing more than superstitious foolishness.
    So Julius Caesar decided to attend the Senate on the 15th of March. On his way to the Senate, Caesar "accidentally" met up with the astrologer. Upon seeing Spurinna, Caesar confidently informed the astrologer: "The Ides of March are come."
    Spurinna replied, "Yes, they are come, but they are not past."
    Later that day - on March 15, 44 B.C.E - Caesar's enemies assassinated him in the Pompey theater, at the foot of Pompey's statue, where the Roman Senate was meeting that day in the temple of Venus.
    What Are the Ides?In the ancient Roman calendar, each of the 12 months of the year had an "ides." In March, May, July and October, the "ides" fell on the 15th day. In every other month, the "ides" fell on the 13th. The word "ides" was derived from the Latin "to divide." The "ides" were originally meant to mark the full moon - but since the solar calendar months and lunar months were of different lengths, the "ides" quickly lost their original intent and purpose.
    So an alternative (albeit somewhat dubious) theory, as to why Caesar might have "seemingly" ignored the ominous warning of Spurinna, is that perhaps Julius Caesar got the dates of the warning mixed up. He may have been thinking that the Ides of March fell on the 13th.
    Using this theory, forgetful Caesar would have been very careful and stayed home on the 13th of March, but on the 15th of March his guard was down.

    Tuesday, March 14, 2006

    It's Self Portrait Tuesday!!!!

    Oh yea, that is me, in my full X-Ray Glory. I was at my Sports Medicine Dr's office (cause I am so damn sporty...) for my shoulder -which seems to want to continue to bother me despite no known reason to womankind~ Dr. Allen still doesn't know whats wrong with me. She thinks it's my neck but the pain is in my shoulder. But she did send in her foxy Resident to investigate, and I must've had my pretty sauce on today because both him and the X-Ray technician were super handsy in their assesments. I am craving some male attention right now, so I kinda let them ; ) Cheap thrills, I tell ya. Cheap thrills. And who could resist me in the gown? Come On!

    Monday, March 13, 2006

    The Hormonal Hostage

    I dedicate this post
    To my Pre Menstral Syndrome
    Oh yes the full moon is back again
    My soon~ to~ be~diaganosable ~state; a disorder for sure
    (this of course is total bullshit but seems ok for right now)
    Which makes my stomach bloat and my mind create chaos
    Emotional ~pissed off~ and totally punchy
    So I offer you this, sums it up great right now
    It was send to me by a friend today, I usually don't get off on this kinda stuff
    But it seemed * oh so appropriate *
    For those daze, when nothing is fine
    when the wrong exboyfriend calls you
    when you continue to break your diet
    when you turn off the phone turn off the lights turn off the brain
    and heat up the hot water bottle... cheers!

    The Hormone Hostage knows that there are days in the
    month when all a man has to do is open his mouth and
    he takes his very life into his own hands! This is a
    handy guide that should be as common as a driver's
    license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend,
    or significant other!!

    DANGEROUS: What's for dinner?
    SAFER: Can I help you with dinner?
    SAFEST: Where would you like to go for dinner
    ULTRASAFE: Here, have some chocolate.

    DANGEROUS: Are you wearing that
    SAFER: Gee, you look good in brown.
    SAFEST: WOW! Look at you!
    ULTRASAFE: Here, have some chocolate.

    DANGEROUS: What are you so worked up about?
    SAFER: What did I do wrong?
    SAFEST: Here's fifty dollars.
    ULTRASAFE: Here, have some chocolate.

    DANGEROUS: Should you be eating that?
    SAFER: You know, there are a lot of apples left.
    SAFEST: Can I get you a glass of wine with that?
    ULTRASAFE: Here, have some chocolate.

    DANGEROUS: What did you do all day?
    SAFER: I hope you didn't overdo it today.
    SAFEST: I've always loved you in that robe!
    ULTRASAFE: Here, have some more chocolate.

    13 Things PMS Stands For:
    1. Pass My Shotgun
    2. Psychotic Mood Shift
    3. Perpetual Munching Spree
    4. Puffy Mid-Section
    5. People Make me Sick
    6. Provide Me with Sweets
    7. Pardon My Sobbing
    8. Pimples May Surface
    9. Pass My Sweatpants
    10. Pissy Mood Syndrome
    11. Plainly; Men Suck
    12. Pack My Stuff........
    And my favorite one...
    13. Potential Murder Suspect

    Saturday, March 11, 2006

    Heaven or Las Vegas

    The minute you land you know something is different~
    Is it the slot machines in the lobby? The big hair and plentiful smoking sections? Las Vegas has something for everyone ~and there are so so so many different types of people, from everywhere in this world. And they all walk where ever the hell they want to, usually into you. Seriously, we were giving manners lessons the whole time. Boy did my Jersey come out. You walk into my Gma and you are gonna get a beat down. Ok sorry, anyway, the group flux is tempered by conferences, and my Uncle Tom, Aunt Carole, and G-ma were there for the Century 21 awards, read: Real Estate...Read lotsa big hair, Big jewels, and Big personalities. So much eye candy. Then add bright lights big city, and you have overstimulous...I am still coming down.

    We were staying in the MGM Grand, which one Cabbie told us was the largest hotel in the world. It went on for miles, a big city in a city. What do you do in Vegas when you are not playing slots or drinking watered down drinks? Visit hotels. In one week we visited Paris, New York, Mandalay Bay, Cesars Palace, Monte Carlo, the Bellagio, the Wynn (my favorite) and on and on. My G-ma and I got overstimulated quick and ran to the only art exhibit we could find, it was in the Bellagio and we felt a lot of comfort being away from the blinging sparkly tables and getting our culture fix onfor sure. The exhibit was "Impressionists" and they did a great job, we also went through the Tiffany Glass Garden (above) which was like a beautiful little land I didn't want to leave.

    Ok too much to talk about and I don't want to bore you, but highlights: Tony Robbins (big guy motivational speaker you know the one) as the keynote speaker for the awards benefit. Dig if you will the picture: 20,000 very perky very motivated Century 21 award winners at 9am in a huge auditorium (that Bon Jovi played at Sat pm) getting more motivated. Not enough coffee in the world to handle that one. My Uncle's group was honored as one of the top in the world, and it felt great to be there for him and support this. So it was worth it. But did I mention they had a sassy Man/Woman singing MC's making up songs about real estate to 80's pop hits? Oh yea. Also saw "Mamma Mia" a story about a young girl in Greece put to Abba songs. I won't get into it. You can only imagine.

    On Thursday night~Out with Century 21, in with NASCAR. Oh yea. Now this is my kinda crowd. Cousins of the Monster Truck crowd, NASCAR features a bright variety of folk from all over the country here to see some car racing. The Bon Jovi crowd added some flavor as well, although I have to say they may be one in the same. Needless to say my Jersey was in full Glory.

    All in all it was so fun hanging out with my Gma, I really had to keep up with her truth be told. My favorite part of the day was at night when we would watch Sex and the City before bed. I guess at heart I am really a simple girl. I don't need strippers and drinks and gambling to have a good time, and no, I didn't win big, but Lady Luck is still always at my my side.

    Monday, March 06, 2006

    It's in the STARS!!!

    Horoscope for today:
    Sometimes the only way to know if something going to work out is to dive right in. Put those hesitations aside and take a chance. The stars will back you all the way, so don't be faint of heart.

    I know it's cheezy, but I love my horoscope. I totally do. I get it sent to my email and read it every morning, and without fail, it affirms what I need to hear. Like my own personal cheerleader, led by the stars, it's says "Go on girl, do what you do!" I don't know how accurate this one is, and I know it's pretty subjective, but oh how I love reading it in the morning. Lately it's been creepy good. If you are interested in signing up, here is the link : . The best part, and I don't know how it happened, is that it tries to personalize them for you. Well somehow it thinks my name is Antoinette. So when I open it it reads "Hello Antoinette, here is your personal horoscope for today!". Ok, I am game! Never a name I would have chosen for myself, but it suits me kinda. No idea how that happened though.

    So I am off to Las Vegas for the week. My Uncle and Aunt's Century 21 company got voted number one in the world and we are going to the awards banquet for him. It's gonna be a bunch of rich real estatey people, and I am sure the jewels and the hair are gonna be off the hook! Everyone just turns it up a notch in Vegas! I will be with my G-ma too who is the epitome of class (think Katheryn Hepburn) so it will be very interesting rolling around the city of sin with her. She is so fun though and I am gonna show her the town! I doubt they have any internet cafe's around though so I don't know if I will be able to blog this week, oh weep! But I will be back next week to tell all!

    Sunday, March 05, 2006

    And the Oscar goes to....

    It goes to Rachel for being so gorgeous in this picture! I mean come on! This is us having dinner and watching the Academy Awards. She got all dressed up with Tiara and all (can you see it in this picture?) and me, I put on my best silky pajama pants. I was cold and wet, give a girl a break. She is eating this yummy popcorn chocolately thing that only Rachel would be thoughtful enough to bring over. The awards show itself was ok, I am glad that Crash won. It seemed as if different cultures were represented this year, and I am sure that some moments were shocking to the usual Academy Awards audience. Mostly for me this event is a worthless piece of poo, but it's fun to see the pretty dresses and the weird ways the ladies distort their faces with botchillism. John Stewart was hysterical, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman who won for Capote gave the best speech about his mom. Dolly Parton, Robert Altman , Lilly Tomlin, and Meryl Streep were the highlights for sure!

    Exploritorium Explorations

    Today was the perfect day to go to the Exploritorium...
    Made new friends Porno Club Smurf and Kung Foo Whitey, Mike brought them for me and I will treasure them always. A beautiful new addition to my growing toy collection.
    Had as much fun watching the kids as I did with the exhibits, who make no bones about just jumping right in, pushing the buttons, touching EVERYTHING; something the adults could learn from! Some exhibits were life changing, some annoying cause I couldn't figure them out (then saw kids walk right up and get it!!), some really fun and visually stimulating (look another bubble, ooooooh!) and some pushed my buttons right back. I haven't been there in years, and there's just something very liberating about learning while doing, very clever indeed. Walked around the Palace of Fine Arts afterwards, one of my favorite places in the world. It was raining very hard and everything was green and plush.... just a lovely Sunday afternoon.

    Friday, March 03, 2006

    Mercury Oh Mercury

    Just what is Mercury in Retrograde? You hear people say it all the time, "Oh no !!! Mercury is in Retrograde!!!" ~ but why is it so scary??? Being hopeful, I see it this time as a chance for resolution, as things that you have not completed in this cycle are presented to you, to give you a kick-in-the-ass you need to face them and move on. The tricky part is that communication is messed up ~ as Mercury is the symbolic planet of communication. This is especially true for me because as a Virgo I am ruled by Mercury ( I love saying I am ruled by a planet!!) ( Anyway, true to form, all of my ghosts are climbing out of the tomb I tucked them away in; but know what? I am in super dooper sparklie form so bring it on! Time to slay some dragons!

    It's that time again: Mercury turned retrograde on March 2, and will continue its apparent backward journey until the 25th. Better dust off all the standard Mercury-retrograde cautions: Back up computer files and go the extra mile to express yourself clearly. When the Communication Planet is in reverse, it can feel like productivity is in park! But no two retrogrades are the same -- and Mercury's latest move makes this a crucial time to strike new balance.Mercury retrograde is always cause for introspection -- even more so as it takes place in Pisces, the imaginative final sign of the zodiac. The Fish swim through deep, dreamy waters, so pay close attention to your subconscious cues for the next few weeks. Reason may be particularly obscured, but as typical modes of communication become tricky, we'll all benefit from indulging those creative sides!Of course, the planets love a good curveball: On March 4, Jupiter, ruler of values, also turns retrograde (until July 6). With Jupiter's social aspects highlighted -- and its typical grandeur toned down -- now's the time to realistically reevaluate your belief system: What's crucial to your role in the bigger social picture ... and what's holding you back?Put it all together, and what do you get? A golden opportunity not only to immerse yourself in your dreams, but also to season them with a pinch of reality. And nothing helps bring imagination and practicality into balance like the wisdom of past lives.

    I love the golden opportunity to immerse yourself in your dreams part, and I am so on that! Example? Had the best first guitar lesson last night ( ; p ) !!! This doesn't sound so bad after all!

    Thursday, March 02, 2006

    Instant Karma

    "Instant Karmas Gonna Getchya"
    Thank you John Lennon, How right you are...
    My Confession:
    So for those who know me, know I am superstitious. I mean super superstitious. Don't walk under ladders. Shoes on a table are gonna put me in a frenzy. Umbrellas opened inside makes me break out in hives. And I am always knocking on wood, and if there isn't any wood, watch me find some quick! (I have a soft spot for black cats so that one not so much..). I am also a horrible liar, and I cannot steal. Seriously, when other girls in my grade were pocketing Bonne Bell lipgloss at the mall in Jersey, my ass turned the other way and ran. Couldn't do it. The one time I tried I broke out crying right away. I think it's my recovering Catholic consciousness, growing up in New England amoungst big statues of Mary and Jesus and all the Saints, living in Salem Mass and in haunted houses up and down the coast, and having Christian parents, Irish and Italians and Gypsies, all this is gonna get to you at some point. So, I make the best of it, gave up my fantasies of having a life of crime, and try to live an honest life. Most of the time.

    So its been raining really hard, and my ass has this cheap flimsy ugly blue jankey Walgreens umbrella that is making me miserable. It's Monday, it's pouring, and I am using this umbrella, guiding it into the rain while it is flowing all over the place. I might as well not have one. I am not just wet, I am soaked, and pist. I finish at the gym and when I am getting ready to walk home I am dreading it, cause I am wearing my warm gym clothes and I don't wanna get a cold. Ok so there is this lovely black umbrella just hanging out. Just sitting there. Alone. Not in a locker. It should be in a locker right? It's probably been sitting there for hours, abandoned in the locker room, I justify to myself. I want it, I want it bad. It's basic and black and best of all it's not broken. Not that I can see anyway.

    So, hmm, I say to myself, if I leave my umbrella, maybe it's not stealing, maybe it's just trading. Then, if the owner does come back, which she is so not going to, at least she will have something to keep her dry until she gets to her warm dry car. I, on the other hand, am walking home in the rain. Surely I deserve this black abaondoned umbrella.

    I start walking home. I feel funny. I keep looking over my shoulder. I feel scared. I keep walking fast and get home safely. Phew. Next day, get to work, no keys. Look everywhere, no keys. Now not having keys at my work is a pain in the ass. I don't just stay in one room at my desk. I am up and down and we have doors and rooms all over the huge Victorian home I am blessed to call my office, and I am runnin all day. I just start laughing. I haven't ever lost my keys in the whole three years I have worked there. Ever. Go home, look for the keys, no keys. Have to request new keys. Now, this shouldn't be a big deal, but it is, it's a very big deal. See my keys have my work name on them, and now all the keys and locks have to be changed, for about thirty of us. The operations director, a crotchety 'ol gal who thankfully has a crush on me, isn't having it. At all. I know why all of this is happening. Damn umbrella.

    So this morning, I finally find my keys. Phew. In my pants. Duh. I get to work and share the joy. I lock myself outta my office three times. This never happens! I have to return this umbrella. And quick.

    So tonight at the gym I decide I am going to put it back where it belongs. I will have no umbrella but it is better than this curse I have put on myself. I hope the previous owner finds it somehow and releases me from this plague that I have created. So when I am getting dressed and returning the umbrella to it's original spot, what are the girls behind me discussing? Karma. Shit you not.

    I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

    Wednesday, March 01, 2006

    KC my darling.....

    Tonight we celebrated Miss KC (first picuture) for her Birthday at a colorful Italian place downtown, Pucini & Pinetti . I have to say for Italian food on the West Coast (I am an Italian food snob, spoiled by my sicilian step mother) it was incredible. The best part was really just celebrating KC and the unique and inspiring woman that she is, truly, madly, deeply. This is a woman known for after making you an authentic sushi dinner, she will present you with a shirt she made you from hemp that she weaved with a beautiful silkscreen symbol from some ancient land, and then, you are off to a walk on the beach or a stroll through the gardens. Seriously, that is a day with KC. Now she is supermom with the most beautiful 'lil girl in the world Noi, and it is a beautiful transformation once again.

    So Happy March. Each first morning on the first I get extremely excited, not only because I believe the first is a chance to start fresh again, as I am a huge believer in cycles, but because my new horoscope comes out as well. My roommate Trina who is really knowledgable about the topic turned me onto this website: and I am a huge fan. Check it out! This month looks interesting, two eclipses and Mercury will be retrograde form March 2 to 25. A little diddy about eclipses:
    Eclipses are extremely powerful full and new moons, and represent a key tool the universe uses to create dramatic, rapid change. Generally, we get four eclipses a year, and they always come in pairs, two weeks apart, every five- and-a-half months.
    Until now all the eclipses have been in Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, but those families of eclipses are over. (More accurately, this month, the last eclipse in the Aries-Libra family, a solar eclipse in Aries, will occur with the March 29 eclipse.)
    Starting this month, all future eclipses (falling every five-and-a-half months) will be in Virgo and Pisces until they are finished on February 21, 2008
    SoI will remain optimistic that March is gonna be great! Bring it!