It's in the STARS!!!
Horoscope for today:
Sometimes the only way to know if something going to work out is to dive right in. Put those hesitations aside and take a chance. The stars will back you all the way, so don't be faint of heart.
I know it's cheezy, but I love my horoscope. I totally do. I get it sent to my email and read it every morning, and without fail, it affirms what I need to hear. Like my own personal cheerleader, led by the stars, it's says "Go on girl, do what you do!" I don't know how accurate this one is, and I know it's pretty subjective, but oh how I love reading it in the morning. Lately it's been creepy good. If you are interested in signing up, here is the link : . The best part, and I don't know how it happened, is that it tries to personalize them for you. Well somehow it thinks my name is Antoinette. So when I open it it reads "Hello Antoinette, here is your personal horoscope for today!". Ok, I am game! Never a name I would have chosen for myself, but it suits me kinda. No idea how that happened though.
So I am off to Las Vegas for the week. My Uncle and Aunt's Century 21 company got voted number one in the world and we are going to the awards banquet for him. It's gonna be a bunch of rich real estatey people, and I am sure the jewels and the hair are gonna be off the hook! Everyone just turns it up a notch in Vegas! I will be with my G-ma too who is the epitome of class (think Katheryn Hepburn) so it will be very interesting rolling around the city of sin with her. She is so fun though and I am gonna show her the town! I doubt they have any internet cafe's around though so I don't know if I will be able to blog this week, oh weep! But I will be back next week to tell all!
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