Monday, March 27, 2006

XT in the OC

Spent this weekend in Newport Beach, which is a world away from San Francisco lemme tell you. It was amazing to be with my family though and in what has become a spring tradition, spending the weekend with my GMa and Mother, Aunt and Uncle, doing what they do in The OC. Saturday we went on my Uncle's new boat, which is just amazing! My body sometimes is not in line with my adventurous spirit however, so my glamorous accessories of the day were the pressure point bracelets (thanks shmess!) that help you not churl like the chum! It was an assorted group of people on the boat that are my Uncle's and Aunt's friends with us, a range including a school teacher and the President of Century 21 who lives in the town where I was born! We spent a good five hours up and down the coast and it is really so beautiful. We saw many animals including sea lions and pelicans chasing the boat, one who was picking a fight with my momma! Afterwards my Mum and I went into the Yacht Club and jumped in the hot tub and sauna which is so decadent and relaxing; very needed after a hard day of yachting! Next day, off again to the Club for an incredible brunch which was a smoked salmon fantasy! My mom is obsessed with basketball and whooed the maitre'd who was gorgeous and tall and obviously a basketball player to turn on the tv in the buffet room so she could watch the game. Pretty soon she had a huge crowd around her all involved in the March Maddness! Needless to say the women who had dragged their husbands away from the game at home for brunch were not at all amused! We spent the rest of the day at Rodger's Gardens which is the most incredible garden store EVER! Rows and rows of the most beautiful flowers and plants and bulbs and statues and things that you want in your house and your garden. Every year we go through there and it is always such a treat. Then off to Laguna Beach for some shopping and a beautiful sunset. Totally not my world at all but it is fun to get outta the city and be a visitor in another land......far... far away.......


At 11:40 AM, Blogger Katia said...

What a glamorous life you lead! Sounds lovely.

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Scott and Christie said...

Thats funny. Not really K, and I used to be really grossed out by that kinda stuff. As I am getting older though, I am learning to go with the flow more around what my family does/has and not to be that materialism bashing non profit working second hand buying be-otch that I am so loudly... I wouldn't want what they have but it's nice to indulge once in a while for sure....

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Helen said...

It's funny because last week's course was all about the glam. I think I never considered this career change because it sounded too foofy. Hi, I'm a wedding planner. But now I'm like wtf - people are spending thousands THOUSANDS of dollars on their wedding. Why not support their adventure and bring in the sacred to their glamor?

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Scott and Christie said...

You also bring the spirit to the glamor to Helen, which is so so needed during something sacred like a wedding. People tend to loose track of that, getting caught up in all the "stuff", they loose track that this is a sacred event. Maybe this is one of the reasons you are called to do your work? Just a thought : )


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