Saturday, March 01, 2008

Back to Basics

Browsing through the channels
after taking another
four hour test
feeling defeated
and anxious
still scoring just below
the pass rate

Feeling bad for myself
total Christie pity party
sinking into the couch
wondering how much more can I do?
flipping the channels
trying to escape my overwhelming
and there it is
my favorite yoga program
on Fit TV
cheezy but it's true
I like that they do Yoga in a bar...

My body has been suffering lately
all hunched over and twitchy
from driving and sitting and taking it all in
my daily walks have been thwarted
with another foot of snow

I know better
it's all very simple
Now is the time
right now

So popped in my Vinyasa Flow tape
from my favorite Jerzey Yogini Seane Corn
fifty minutes on the mat later
and I am back to bizness
tears flowing down my face
heart open
mind calm
body relaxed

It brought me back to the days
that I spent with her this summer at Omega
she truly is an amazing woman and teacher
with the mouth of a trucker, hair like a hooker, and the prayers of an angel
she has become one of my most important teachers
I looove her and all her glorious Jerzyness

Just needed that reminder
that it is all practice
and that I am really here for
is to do my work from a heartfelt place
and learn these theories and questions
as a sacred practice
to embody spirit
and share and give what I can
take a deep breath
all the rest is fear

Thank you Seane
thank you spirit
what she says about the Yoga practice below
I directly apply to my counseling practice
and to a larger degree
this process of studying for my
licensing exam

Here is an excerpt that I kinda paraphrased
and typed out
to share with you
from her "Vinyasa Flow" DVD
which I loooooove
it completely helped me tonight
and I share it with you
in hopes
that it finds you well
Happy March!

"What we need is a sense of humor and play,
things are going to be challenging
the point is to explore and get into your body
link the mind and body
with breath..
we get into habits in our body...
we need to learn how to integrate the technical pose
and move with absolute awareness and let the breath take you there...
practice is about awareness and intention
to open our heart and mind, if you are connecting with spirit, you are going to feel good, connection to spirit is what is important and with practice
you will get this, you will get this,
it is a process...bring in the's the relationship with the inner world and outer world....and bring this all together"

Oho ~*


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