Friday, June 30, 2006

Long Overdue

Pictures Pictures Pictures
I haven't been able to use my laptop to upload them so I will bombard you will what I have for the past few months

Ok graveyards

Being the granddaughter (and sister) of a Funeral Director/Owner these places are my playgrounds. This happens to be me and my Grandmothervisiting my family plots. Yes I know so "Six Feet Under" welcome to my world. So the one with the me and my shadow is my Great Aunt Anne, the Clyons are my Great Grandparents Kate and Michael (fresh off the boat from Ireland they moved to Connecticut and resided there until their passing), and then there is my Grandfather. He passed a few years ago and the loss is still fresh in my family. He and my Grandmother, pictued here (isn't she the best) were married over sixty years. This is a picture of a lunch she just "threw together" and she makes cottage cheese taste so good, I don't know how she does it really. And the tree is my favorite tree in the whole wide world. It is the Weeping Willow that resides in my Grandparents back area, and my Grandfather read his paper and smoked cigarettes and watched it grow every day. Beyond it is the Long Island Sound. It is one of my homes.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Lost Arts

Things atrophy when you dive into your career
For me what was lost was my arts

I was asked tonight in dance class one thing that surprised me about tonights class. What came up was that I am a Dancer. I am. I have been doing this since or before I could walk, my mother claims, and I trained for over a decade. Ballet, Toe (or Point), Modern, Jazz, African, Brazillian, Gitano (Gypsy) and much more. I don't know when I lost this dicipline, or how, but it is now who I am as I have reclaimed this art of mine. My teacher and friend helped me with this tonight.

The other is singing. I am a singer. I always have been. I was in major productions for years, in bands, had major voice lessons, recitals, solos in choir, had a call back for a certain Broadway Musical I shall not reveal for fear that I will be teased to no end like I was when I was younger and my lunch lady made me sing a song from it in front of the Whole Cafeteria fuggettaboutit.... so yea. I have PTSD clearly from this experience. But yes, I am a good singer and I promised my Grandmother...

My point is that there is so much here to learn, focus on, do. I have had to make some decisions about classes and where my focus will be. I have decided that dance and voice will be my artistic focus for my time here. Sure I'd love to take the Art of Sexual Extacy with Margot Anand or Spritual Duality with Carolyn Myss, but I need to FOCUS cause otherswise I will be like the moth fluttering about my tent last night. Lets say the Spiders have crossed my boundaries after last night....

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Can't stop smiling

Yes the rain woke me up
thankfully cause my alarm clock didn't
was having a horrible dream about my old roommate Heidi
crazy cracker
but that was the only hard part of my day

Started my new job in Reception
nice crew it's gonna be breezy
and it has air conditioning haazaaah

Ok check out my day it was so outta control swirly:

luscious lunch yum
go to seminar on Iyengar Yoga in the "Sanctuary" with really cool lady don't remember her name but it helped me understand this practice better
Rode up a hill with my Bellydance teacher Serpentina to the Hillhouse cabin which is just outta control beautiful and Blair witchy all at the same time. Had a beautiful 2 hour class , then went to another Movement class which was so fun with this rad girl Rachel who is also a sexy social worker from the Bay Area, then a gorgeous dinner again, then went to "Laughter Meditation" with a bunch of cool peeps and cutie kids, then a very very fun party in the "trailer park" which is so cute and carnie (short for carnival dontchyaknow). My tent is dry, my smile is large, and so far the spiders have been observing my boundaries.....
oh and I ran into this lady Tia who went to my undergrad school BRADFORD which reminds me a lot of Omega and we had such a good time talking about that home of ours. Seriously one of my big loves my college was, and being on the east coast evokes all these grand memories of that time...

so yea, I am well, feel levity, lovelieness, can't stop smiling
and my horoscope:
Believe it or not, the universe is listening to your innermost thoughts and desires. It's time to concentrate on what serves your highest good. Think positive, and make affirmative and generous statements aloud.

and i am...

ps sorry no pics coming soon i promise once I figure out how to connect to my wifi here...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oh Omega

Ok I am here
And yes it is very very wet
All I asked was for the four hours I set up my tent
to be dry
and it was
down to the very minute

So yes my sister mum and i set up my space
and it is very very tarped on a platform for which
i am so thankful
they are so incredible you should've seen it
all the mens were like oh so who helped you?
no one mo fo's sisters are doing it for themselves!

The space is incredible the dining hall amazing amazing
my fantasy salad bar I am the biggest rabbit
Already I've made friends with the Bay Area People of course
Julia B. told Anthony the flower artist that I was coming
and he is just a jem
Really funny lovely peeps so far
I start work tomorrow
taking many classes i've signed up for
i'll keep you posted
big love

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sing it out lady

So I sang last night
in front of people
Haven't done that in a few years
Everyone is always encouraging this
I used to sing a lot
and well might I add
I was in bands in College and High School
Cheezy but true
and yes I was the lead singer

Sang competitively when I was little
My Mom diciplined me with singing lessons and
singing/dancing competitions
And I usually won
I loved it and had a great gift for this
But for reasons I let this part of me
I have been desiring this gift again
And now it is back in full on force

We went to my Step Sister's friends house last night
way deep in NY country
For a party they have two times a year
bunch of great people mostly from NYC
Where they basically play music for three days straight
It was intoxicating
And they are some great musicians
beautiful sweet spontaneous soulful sounds

So there were a bunch of mike's
and Celeste just encouraged me to get up there
My step brother Tony was playing drums, he is really really good
Used to play for the Harlem Gospel Choir
a chump he is not

Was a little slow and soft at first
Then bellow bellow roar
and it felt great

I have to improve my range through practice
cause right now I'm a little Stevie Nicks/Grace Slick
not to diss the goddesses'
but it's very raspy

Anyway this was one of my big goals this summer
To get this started again
and wow it feels great
I've only been practicing in the car
with all the good radio stations they have here

My throat hurts but for good reasons
And I tackled one of my "fears" head on unexpectedly
with a quickness

New Moon Intention:
As I head into Rhinebeck today
I ask that I remain open strong and protected
To what ever this desire calling mission is
And that I touch as well as allow to be touched
to the lessons gifts insight blessings
that have called me to this time and place
with grace strength and love

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Swimming as a Meditation

I have swam every day since I have been here
up and down up and down breathe stroke breathe stroke
I always dive in I have to dive
I think the way someone gets in the water says a lot about someone

My sister, bless her heart for example
Creeps in toe by toe
Letting the water shock her and it feels even colder
Because she won't dunk all the way in
Stays in that dangerzone right under your breast bone
that makes you feel all chilly
I used to do that
Tortured my self
Stay safe even though I knew getting all the way wet
Would make me feel warmer
Now I know I have to dive in

What am I getting at? Another silly metaphor?
I was laying by the pool last night all by myself
My parents had gone out to dinner with friends and I was finallyAlone
So some might assume that I am over here "playing"
Swimming visiting carousing with my family
But what I really articulated to myself last night
Laying on a chair in with the rain drizzling on my face
Is that I am really quick to distract myself
With others issues problems adventures
I really get off on other people places and things
The hardest thing for me to do sometimes is to remove all of those things
And listen to what the hell is going on with myself
Cause for me right now that's where the real work needs to get done
And believe me, this is the hardest work
And I have sacrificed A LOT to be still

The understanding is coming rapidly like the thunder showers I live for here
This week alone big blocks with my father have been unearthed
Same with my sister last week
My role in this family which inherently defines who I am in other places
I didn't really expect this because I thought it was so well defined before
But alas as always the work is always being done
And the rewards are already a blessing

Off to hear my older step sister Celeste sing at an event
Then to Rhinebeck tomorrow
I don't know what computer service is going to be there yet
But I will be in touch
I hope you all are well

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer Solstice II

I really wanted to share this
It was forwarded to me by a very special teacher of mine
whose lessons resonate with me daily:

Roll over and kiss someone! Summer Solstice is here!

"Midsummer Night" is a cause for celebration. The Sun is at its Zenith--its highest point in the heavens. The longest day, the shortest night, the temptation to take a vacation and enjoy the luscious fecundity of the Earth is upon us. Respond! Respond! Go outside, swim, eat, talk, hike, visit, go outside, picnic, camp, ramble, go outside, take a walking meditation, contact a relative, commune with nature, go outside!

Summer Solstice is exactly opposite the Winter Solstice and halfway between the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes. It is the part of life's cycle when the estrogen pump of full sunlight wakes up our inner eyes & inner beings. We are Awake! There is the sound of bees, the circling of birds calling to each other and children shrieking with delight. Everywhere you look life is bursting from branch & root.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.

Harvest is not yet in, but the fields are ripening, the Mellisae are busy blessing all of us with their pollinating.

"Bees are prevalent in the myths of many cultures worldwide. As pollinators they are essential to all life, and seen spiritually as faithful servants of the Goddess, and exemplified in individual colonies by dedication to their queen. They are virtually icons of androgyny, and along with their delicious, healing, and preserving honey are symbolic of eroticism and sensuality, love, death, and lastly, immortality.

At the temple of Aphrodite, priestesses were called "Melissae", which means "bees," and Aphrodite herself was called Melissa, the queen bee. At the Ephesian temple of Artemis, the melissae were accompanied by transgendered priests called "Essenes", which means drones.

Scientifically, bees are classified as members of the hymenopteran order, meaning "veil-winged," recalling the hymen or veil that covered the inner shrine of the Goddess's temple, and the high priestess who bore the title of Hymen, presiding over marriage rituals and the Honey Moon." (from the Blue Roebuck Website)

We can be like bees. In our cross-pollinations, we can serve Aphrodite and go meet someone new, have a party, share ideas, visit relatives, plant a garden, learn something, teach something...participate in life.

This is the time when the sun reaches the peak of its power, The Mother Goddess is viewed as heavily pregnant, and the God is at the apex of his manhood and is honored in his guise as the supreme sun. Throughout time this has been the season for visiting friends and family & celebrating the Miracle of Life's Fertility. My father said to me when I was very little: "All those stories in the Bible just seem like fairy tales to me. If you want to see a miracle, go watch a blade of grass grow." As I look out at the fertile fields of Vermont, it does seem Miraculous that all this life can burst forth out of the Earth.

Summer Solstice has many names: Litha, Gathering Day, All-couples Day, Feast of Epona, Feast of St. John the Baptist, Feill-Sheathain, Johannistag, Sonnwend, Thing-tide, Vestalia and of course Midsummer, as in Shakespeare's play "Midsummer Night's Eve."

In North America, the native Americans of the Central Plains would gather in summer in great Long Houses where many clans would gather together for months and tell all the stories of what had happened over the previous year. Children grown into adolescents would meet each other with new eyes. Councils met and concerns were discussed. Gifts exchanged. Infants were introduced to the larger community. Young men vied with each other in games of prowress. Everyone played games, danced, sang, ate and slept together --giving thanks for the greatness of the gifts of Mother Earth.

In ancient Germanic, Slav & Celtic tribes Midsummer was celebrated with bonfires. When pairs of lovers would jump through the luck-bringing flames. It was believed the crops would grow as high as the couples were able to jump. It was the night of fire festivals and of love magic, of love oracles and divination. Bonfires were also lit to generate sympathetic magic: giving a boost to the sun's energy so it would remain potent throughout the rest of the growing season. In Ancient Sweden a Midsummer tree was set up and decorated in each town. The villagers danced around it. Women and girls would customarily bathe in the local river. This was a magical ritual, intended to bring rain to the crops.

For Modern Day Pagans--this sabbat, Litha, can be celebrated the evening before, at sunrise on the morning of Solstice or at the exact time of the astronomical event. (This year it's at 12:26 GMT on June 21st. Subtract 4 hours for EDT, 5 hours for CDT, 6 hours for MDT and 7 hours for PDT) It is a time for divination and healing rituals. Divining rods and wands are traditionally cut at this time.

The full moon in June is called the Honey Moon. Traditionally, this is the best time to gather honey from the comb & the best time for Weddings. In some cultures, newly weds are fed dishes made with honey during the first month of their marriage to affirm the sweetness and fertility of life . We keep this tradition alive with the Honeymoon. The full moon in June is also the Saggitarian full moon. Ruled by Jupiter, the Lord of Joviatlity, Expansion & Benevolence, this is the time to reach out and trust life to give you something sweet.

May We Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet Again!



Summer Solstice

Today is the first day of summer
It began here early for me on the East Coast
and I was able to enjoy the early summer sun
Trees birds deer and gypsy moths
thats right
gypsy moths
I forgot these suckers existed

I've been listening to them all week munch out the trees
Yes you can actually hear them eating
crunch crunch crunch
For those of you not familiar with these creatures
They are ugly fuzzy long things, look like fuzzy centipedes
And they are everywhere, all over, and so are their droppings
Anyway I won't spend much more time on this
Except to say I am pist they call them "gypsy" moths
obviously an overt connotation to something derrogatory about my culture

I haven't been writing
First I took an intentional break off the computer
Way too connected to my box of letters and colors
Needed to get "off the grid" with the exception
of a few neccessary notes
Also, I've only had a dial up connection
I'd rather not have a computer actually if this is how I have to use it
Actually I'd rather poke my eyes out with forks to be honest
( i know so drama)
but also I am using my Parent's computer and can't upload pics
And I have tons of them to show

But maybe it's better that I am still right now
Keep this here for me
I will catch you up a bit though:
Got a car, love love love it~ an 96 Nissan Altima yet to be named...
Have been up and down and up again on the coast
Spent some time with my Gma in Connecticut
Now I am at my Father's in Pennsylvania
Very beautiful rural village
I swim write walk listen to music read read read pack pack pack
and pack some more
My new tent came and I love it
I am still peaceful calm and happy

I go to Omega next Monday

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Where I am

Ocean Grove
New jersey

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

*South Central Farm*

My girl Julia was in a tree again
23 days of fasting~ she came down last week
This is incredible
read this:

From Circle of Life:


Circle of Life Family,
This press release was just sent to us from the South Central Farm where Julia had been fasting and tree sitting for over 3 weeks. Daryl Hannah and John Quigley are still there and at last report were still in the walnut tree but about to get removed by sheriffs at any moment.

***NEWS FLASH - 8:59am, 8 people have been carried out on
stretchers and they have started to bull doze the land!

WHAT: Hundreds of officers with the Los Angeles Sheriff department swarmed
onto the peaceful, non-violent South-Central Farmers garden at 5:15am today
accompanied by six helicopters buzzing over the sleeping supporters.

Supporters of this 14 acre organic farming community remain outside the locked-down
area on the street chanting their protest of this forceful action while 20 are still inside
the farm.

Dozens of supporters have been living on the land, sleeping in tents, and taking turns
living in the Walnut tree on the premise while fasting to show solidarity with the Farmers. Julia-Butterfly Hill just came down last week after fasting for 23 days. Several celebrities have shown up in the last few weeks - Willie Nelson, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Ed Begley, Jr, Joan Baez to name a few.

As of this time, Daryl Hannah and aerial artist John Quigley are up in the Walnut tree refusing to come down. 20 campers on the land have locked themselves to benches, fences and the base around the tree while L.A. County Sheriffs are attempting to saw their locks off.

Yesterday, a peace offering of organic flowers and fresh produce from the Farm
was presented to the developer, Ralph Horowitz at his offices in Brentwood,
California and to Mayor Antonio Villagairosa at City Hall. Their response to this
appears to be this early morning raid.

Citizens are frustrated with the Mayor because of his apparent lack of political leadership in this, even though he has publicly stated supported of the Farm in the last few weeks.
The Farm supporters are asking people to:

1. Call City Hall to ask that Mayor Villaraigosa step up and exhibit political leadership
and interfere with the eviction. PH: 213-978-0600

2. Come down to City Hall to express their support.
Address: 200 N. Spring Street - Los Angeles, CA 90029

3. Come to the Farm to Protest this oppressive and destructive action against the Farmers and their supporters

WHERE: 41st & Long Beach Ave.
Los Angeles, CA
(Alameda exit off Interstate 10)

WHEN: All Day
June 13, 2006

****A SPECIAL 7:00PM candlelight vigil will be held on-site
The public is encouraged to attend

To learn more about the South Central Farmers, visit:
Contact: Fernando Flores: Co-Chair of South Central Farmers Support Coalition
PH: 909-605-3136

The South Central Farm, a 14-acre green oasis in the middle of downtown Los
Angeles, is in danger of being lost to warehouse development. This community
garden has been operated mainly by Latino immigrants for more than a decade and
has become an important part of the culture and open space in Los Angeles.

In 1992, the Farm was created in response to the Rodney King uprising to help develop and align the local South-Central community. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank signed a lease with the city of Los Angeles to set aside the South Central Farm as a community garden. Since then more than 350 impoverished families have banded together as the South Central Farmers to transform an industrial dump into an urban paradise. These families have been successfully augmenting their household food supply with the resultant harvest.

But in 2003 the city sold the land to a private developer to build warehouses. The
community was outraged, and the farmers refused to leave the land while they tried
to raise the money to buy the property themselves. For the last several weeks -- in
the face of a deadline to come up with the money or be evicted -- the farmers, with
the help of appeals by activists and celebrities, worked around the clock and successfully raised the money to purchase the property. At last report, the Annenburg Foundation had offered to help raise the 15 million to purchase the land but it seems responding to pressure, the developer has changed his mind and decided not to sell the land to the
farmers after all.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Visions of my Youth

East Village

Memories on every corner
Innocence lost
in many fun ways
Wisdom Gained
I know so much more for being here
Washington Square Park
my Highschool Playground
Georgous Diverse Dangerous
Anything you want and don't want
On four square city blocks

Sunday, June 11, 2006

New York New York

Whoa it is so good to be in New York
Just Electric
My past my history my love
Rolled into one big Island
So good to be there

Travelled in for the day with my brother sister and Noelle
My brothers very lovely girlfriend
who were going to a "Stiff Little Fingers" concert
That was so ten years ago for me
Got a ride in with them and spent hours in The Strand
Which is the BEST bookstore in the world

Visited with Karina and Jett and Stephan and Squishy Nuggin
(the new baby in Karina's belly)
She ordered in Uncle Nick's Greek Food (Hell's Kitchen)
which is my favorite restaurant Eva~
and we had such a blast

Jett and I made up super songs in the bath
Had races with dolphins and jellyfish
And I fed her lots of yummy food in the tub
I am such a spoiler as an Auntie

Found some Capoiera in the park
Cruised the East Village
Got a drink in a pub
Gorgeous spring day
GAWD I love this

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Belmont Stakes

My Mom turned sixty this May
She's doing real good for an old broad (te he he)
She is a very unique lady
Classy Elegant Graceful
Loves her kids, College Basketball
And Horses
She is all about the Horses
Raising them racing them
Jockey's and their Trainers
And she knows EVERYTHING
She out talks like the best of them
with her horse smarts
So for the BIG DAY IN MAY
We sent her to the Preakness
Which is a big big horse race in Baltimore Maryland
We also wanted to surprise her with a party
But wouldn't ya know it~
almost as the invitations were to go out
She made it very clear
That on that day
It was all about the Belmont Stakes

OMG said I during my move as my sister called me from her visit to my Grandfathers gravesite where my Mom broke the tragic news to us
what are we to do
So my wacky brother (featured here in his I Heart Mom T Shirt I made him wear as a joke)
came up with

Lets surprise her at the Belmont Stakes

Now any Gathering in Long Island should be outlawed
Completely ridiculous
Especially on a day where there is a Yankee Game
A logistical disaster
We finally found eachtoher on Race six
And surprise she said hello everyone
And then went off to make her bets
And she won
12 outta 13 races

I used to hate horse racing
I sat in the corner reading my book when my Mom first took me to the Meadowlands
Since then
I have grown into it out of respect and neccesity to save my sanity in this family
I even visited Kentucky with her and all the horse farms
They are quite beautiful creatures
Graceful Fast and Very Clever

in the end
after all the planning
and peanuts
Indeed it was a great day

Happy Birthday Mom!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Full Moon in June

Listening to the trains go by
Walking Presley
Laughing with my mom
Thudden lightening and thunder storms
The Atlantic Ocean
Not having to rent an apartment
Taking pictures
Studying patterns in the lake and the ducks
Reading (currently Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert)
Researching tents as if I were buying my first home
Catching up with my brother and sister
Buying a car!
Absorbing the past few weeks/years

This is my first week on the East Coast

You know you are in Jersey when

Oh Jersey
oh jersey

So I think I will be dedicating a certain
part of this blog
You know you are in Jersey when

So far:
I was walking my dear Presley around my brothers
neighborhood (he is his dog and he and my sister
and his Girlfriend Noelle live harmoniously together, kinda)
which is a nice town/village close to NYC
Upper Middle Class nice shops but some from the sixties
so it is still humble
So I was wearing black cause that was what I wore to bed
Sweats and a tank top and a sweatshirt
Which in Jersey is either a uniform or routinely underdressed garments
Just diggin on the grass and birds and clouds with Presley
When this really loud landscaping truck rolls up and
out of his passenger window I hear
in this really scary voice

Ok now call me paranoid
but I know he was screaming at me
and I was wondering why
then I realized I was wearing all black
And also I should mention it was

I don't know why it startled me so
reminded me of the taunting frat freaks
who used to bug me cause I was all goth and stuff
At least in SF the crazies are usually only
bothering themselves

You Know You Are in Jersey When
All of the men
And I mean all of them
in the Sushi restaurant your sister takes you to
Has their eyebrows waxed
I shit you not
Even the Mexican bus boy
are you kidding me?
I am not kidding you
Now What Is This Phenomena?
Why do men think they need to WAX their eyebrows
Their arches are higher then mine
it is the grossest thing ever
I posted the pictures above for you
To see what happens to perfectly ok men
When they do this to themselves
I am making a plea
Right here in this blog
for it to stop!It must stop!

Who is with me?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Safe Landing

A perfect travel day
Had enough time to get it all done
Wanted to do the dishes and clean up more
(sorry miboni)
but did shower and have coffee
Had the best taxi driver
He and I were BFRI's by the end of the trip
A guy from Senegal studying to be a lawyer
at San Francisco State U. he rocked
gave me a hug goodbye after I told him my life story
he was my chariot to my new journey...

Couldn't have had a better flight
and I fly a lot
I bought my flight early cause I needed it to be good
since I wasn't doing my "drive" that I always planned
Being flexible is really working out for me

The Emergency Row
Super dooper leg room
And two movies, and nice row mates....
And a decent Brownie in my meal

My brother and sister picked me up
in his fancy new truck
Had a great ride
and then came home and slept soundly
with my Love

Meet Presley
who you will be hearing a lot about
He is a chuwawa
Before you get all uppity about little dogs
esp chuwawa's
he is no ordinary chap
I didn't like little dogs either
till I fell in love with him
(and Lila and Sienna of course)
He has a big dog attitude
and is so loving and spoons so well
sleeps as long as you need to
and is super super chill

So I miss everyone already
and dedicate
one of my favorite songs
to them
cause no matter how much land is between us
this is not
I repeat
is not

The Promise by When in Rome

If you need a friend,
don't look to a stranger,
You know in the end,
I'll always be there.

And when you're in doubt,
and when you're in danger,
Take a look all around,
and I'll be there.

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
But if you'll wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you I will.

When your day is through,
and so is your temper,
You know what to do,
I'm gonna always be there.

Sometimes if I shout,
it's not what's intended.
These words just come out,
with no gripe to bear.

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
But if you'll wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you...

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
And if I had to walk the world, I'd make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you I will.

I gotta tell ya, I need to tell ya, I gotta tell ya, I gotta tell yaaaa ...

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
But if you'll wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you...

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say. (I promise)
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be. (I promise)
And if I had to walk the world, I'd make you fall for me,
I promise, I promise you I will ...
I will...
I will...
I will

I love you all!!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Grandma's House

So much good fooooood
So many good people
Lots of Lesbian "country americana Kitch" artwork
(esp in the egyptian/americana room J and I shared )
GRANDMA's HOUSE (or gmas plural rather ahem..)
Beautiful weather nice music cool river hot tub
this was how I shared this weekend
celebrating KT's engagement to M~*
they worked hard for their love and they deserve
to enjoy all of this all of this all of this

Scattegories Cranium "the issues" game controvery
drunken in the hot tub again
all the grilled vege's and yummy fish
chocolate penis's
Peter and his Bitches
Katy a glow

fond memories of my "last" weekend in the Bay Area
and yet
I keep saying
"See you in August"
from another place altogether

Continental High Noon Tomorrow
Leaving on a Jet Plane
But I am leaving my heart...
in San Francisco

Thursday, June 01, 2006

24 hours in San Francisco

Ok I know I know
lotsa pictures
but get used to them cause I am all about
I love love love love love love love it
such a technology whore right now


my point is that this is a visual view
of my last 24 hours in San Francisco

Coffee with my lovely host Toni (no pic too early)
Lunchin with my beautiful Thea in Oakland at B
Got some Lucia time who was getting some boob at Katia's (she's like a person now!)
Waited on the steps for an hour for my asshole landlord who
never showed up for my walk through - dick...not giving it energy
Then off to my fav Bissap Boabob which is like my crew's "Cheers" bar
got me some whiskey Fleur's and my peeps spontaneous last dinner

lovely lovely i am sure at this point peeps are like
"you haven't left yet?" i know i know it's all love though

ok but check out my june horoscope:

You may not realize it quite yet, but you are in the throes of much change. Some of those changes may show up as early as June. This month, your primary focus will be on your career and your residence or family life, but one close romantic or business relationship may also prove to become an important consideration.

There is an overarching theme, however, and that has to do with the fact that you have come to know yourself better and are now closer to understanding what it takes to makes you truly happy. For a long time, you sensed there were certain elements in your life that were not working well, but because you tend to be so focused on career, you didn't have the time or the energy to think about that part of your life, too.

and there's much more, creepy on point kinda stuff
again check yours out at
I am a big fan

off to the russian river tomorrow
night San Francisco!