Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Can't stop smiling

Yes the rain woke me up
thankfully cause my alarm clock didn't
was having a horrible dream about my old roommate Heidi
crazy cracker
but that was the only hard part of my day

Started my new job in Reception
nice crew it's gonna be breezy
and it has air conditioning haazaaah

Ok check out my day it was so outta control swirly:

luscious lunch yum
go to seminar on Iyengar Yoga in the "Sanctuary" with really cool lady don't remember her name but it helped me understand this practice better
Rode up a hill with my Bellydance teacher Serpentina to the Hillhouse cabin which is just outta control beautiful and Blair witchy all at the same time. Had a beautiful 2 hour class , then went to another Movement class which was so fun with this rad girl Rachel who is also a sexy social worker from the Bay Area, then a gorgeous dinner again, then went to "Laughter Meditation" with a bunch of cool peeps and cutie kids, then a very very fun party in the "trailer park" which is so cute and carnie (short for carnival dontchyaknow). My tent is dry, my smile is large, and so far the spiders have been observing my boundaries.....
oh and I ran into this lady Tia who went to my undergrad school BRADFORD which reminds me a lot of Omega and we had such a good time talking about that home of ours. Seriously one of my big loves my college was, and being on the east coast evokes all these grand memories of that time...

so yea, I am well, feel levity, lovelieness, can't stop smiling
and my horoscope:
Believe it or not, the universe is listening to your innermost thoughts and desires. It's time to concentrate on what serves your highest good. Think positive, and make affirmative and generous statements aloud.

and i am...

ps sorry no pics coming soon i promise once I figure out how to connect to my wifi here...


At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another sexy social worker named Rachel? Who'da thought?

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Miboni said...

Sounds like summer camp for sure, but a really cool one! How fun, so jealous - so glad you are having a blast.


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