Friday, June 09, 2006

You know you are in Jersey when

Oh Jersey
oh jersey

So I think I will be dedicating a certain
part of this blog
You know you are in Jersey when

So far:
I was walking my dear Presley around my brothers
neighborhood (he is his dog and he and my sister
and his Girlfriend Noelle live harmoniously together, kinda)
which is a nice town/village close to NYC
Upper Middle Class nice shops but some from the sixties
so it is still humble
So I was wearing black cause that was what I wore to bed
Sweats and a tank top and a sweatshirt
Which in Jersey is either a uniform or routinely underdressed garments
Just diggin on the grass and birds and clouds with Presley
When this really loud landscaping truck rolls up and
out of his passenger window I hear
in this really scary voice

Ok now call me paranoid
but I know he was screaming at me
and I was wondering why
then I realized I was wearing all black
And also I should mention it was

I don't know why it startled me so
reminded me of the taunting frat freaks
who used to bug me cause I was all goth and stuff
At least in SF the crazies are usually only
bothering themselves

You Know You Are in Jersey When
All of the men
And I mean all of them
in the Sushi restaurant your sister takes you to
Has their eyebrows waxed
I shit you not
Even the Mexican bus boy
are you kidding me?
I am not kidding you
Now What Is This Phenomena?
Why do men think they need to WAX their eyebrows
Their arches are higher then mine
it is the grossest thing ever
I posted the pictures above for you
To see what happens to perfectly ok men
When they do this to themselves
I am making a plea
Right here in this blog
for it to stop!It must stop!

Who is with me?


At 10:05 AM, Blogger Miboni said...

And they say our SF men are metrosexuals....


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