I had been waiting the whole time for this
This is when I was gonna throw it all away
That which is not in affinity with who I am
with who I am becoming
I had saved it all up
All the dead wood dead weight
once sacred holy objects
and put it in a huge bag
that was once N's
(who by the way is married and expecting..more on that later)
planned it all out
Was bringing priestess L with me to pitch it with me
then theres the sign
"if you throw anything off the bridge it is a misdemeanor"
just what I need to go to jail
didn't matter
walked my walk strong solid over the bridge
one last hug and there it goes
hundreds of little treasures
at the bottom of the bay
"ooops i dropped it officer"
can't stop a goddess in her power is all i gotta say
and like that pooooof it is gone
"transformed" as Lenira said
in her beautiful Portuguese
Bring it
bring it
My New Moon Intention:
cause energy does not go away
but it does transform
oh, treasure. that was goddamn beautiful. I love you SO you sparkley amazing woman.
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