Free Panties
Ok enough with the emotion already
Yes last day of work, Haaaazaaaah!!!
I feel very over appreciated
They all made a scrapbook, each wrote a page
just amazing
I am happy, satiated, and very, very tired
Ended the day going to dinner first
The new place on Hayes
and the De Young Museum with Rachel
It was just what I needed
my girl and
The view tower was amazing as well
Got some perspective being above it all
If you haven't seen the Arts and Crafts exhibit
go now!
I think it is ending this week, so go!
Ok so onto the panties, I am sure you wanna know
Had a few minutes before meeting up with KC last night
for the most amazing Greek dinner EVA
Place up on Polk street, go there too, it is great
Anyway, back to panties...
I had a gift certificate for Victorias Secret
which has mediocre sweatshop products
hate shopping there
but I am not in a place to block a free bra
Ok the place is a frikkin pink madhouse complete with saleswomen, tonz of them
the panty ladies if you will, with those headseats of importance
like they are guarding the president or something
I guess there was some deal with free panties
that I was not in the know about
And there was a huge huge huge line
because of the free panties one can only assume
anyway I am babbling cause I am tired
but there was some situation with the woman before me
who wanted her free panty
and she wanted it now dammit!
Sarah was not in the dressing room
where the free panties were! Oh the Horror!
"Sarah? Sarah do you copy? Sarah we need a small free panty! NOW!"
Screaming into the headseat, and it was on
a full on free panty scramble
quite the situation
I hope the poor dear got her small free panty
I couldn't wait to find out
She waited in that long line for them!
Worth sharing
esp. since Rachel hates the word
Almost as much as I do! wink wink ; )
Anyway wish me luck for my Moving Sale
And pray it doesn't rain
And I get loads of cash for my trash!
Hey XT - Did you make sure Korey read the piece about free PANTIES? I certainly hope so, and I hope you included the words "MOIST" and "CHAFE" somewhere in there. Make sure you notify Carlina, too, so she can rub it in and make Korey really squirm! I for one have no problem with any of those words... but then again, I'm not squeemish. Love you and ALL the memories! Heart, Gal
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