I didn't know cardboard was so competitive...
Had one of those "many Christie worlds" days
Had lunch with a great co-worker of mine, Dean
He and I have always had a "rapour"
and he invited me out to lunch to congratulate me
On my new journey
He was so sharing in how he thought my spirit
really was strong and resonated throughout our agency,
our community
I have been told this many times before
And to hear it from him made my heart sing loud
~the best part is I know and feel this also
A young man was shot at Ella Hill Hutch Rec Center
in the Fillmore the week before last
Shot dead at work, in front of his daughter and
the young girls basketball team
He Was At Work
As a youth Mentor
Shot dead on the basket ball court
We work directly with Ella Hill, and tragically
these stories are becoming weekly occurences
Do you know this? Cause they sure as hell arn't advertising
this in the news
{They wouldn't,cause if you knew what was REALLY going on
you'd be outraged and then they'd have to do something~and so would you}
My co-worker went to his funeral
And there were THREE funerals happening at the same time
For young teenage black men
Wake up San Francisco
Wake up America
This is happening, it is real, and it is pervasive
Our youth are killing each other
So a lot of our talk, back to our lunch, was how can we be more effective
He, as a young African American male with Tons of talent and heart
And me, well, me...
We also brought these questions to our team this afternoon
at our staff meeting
How do we stop this Violence? After Much talk
-mostly we became frustrated, and came up with More Questions
Then off to prositute myself off to market research
To which I get paid shitloads of money
To answer Stupid Questions about Digital Cameras
And Color Printers
You know, the real important issues
To which companies pay shitloads of money
For our enlightening insight...
Made my head spin after the conversation above an hour before...
because if you could plug your camera directly into your printer
would it make your life that much simpler?
Barf... where's my check and my free sandwich...
Then ran around my hood searching for boxes and
ended up racing the "cardboard truck" around Hayes Street
very funny scene
I know I've talked a lot about boxes
But this clearly was a sight to be had
You Know The Cardboard Truck
Bless their heart, recycling all that good cardboard
But back off Bitches!
I'mma packing!
it's like it's own commodity towards the end of the month!
That's why I am starting Early! And recycling nights, fuggetaboutit! I did find some "gold" last night though. ok i am obsessed...
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