Monday, May 22, 2006

Life Stuff for Sale

After my very surreal last day of work Trina and I sold our life stuff outside of our house all day long. It was a very cleansing experience, I am relieved that it is over. Our MOVING SALE began at 10:30 am, and the vultures were out at 10:28. You know those people. The ones that are always first to the sale. Alwayz gettting the deals. It was a madhouse.I barely had a chance to get it out the door. And there was a lot of stuff. Covered half the block. My neighbors couldn't believe stuff kept coming. That's what happens when you live in a house for eight plus years, three roommates later....

Ok but the high lights: Matt Gonzolaz, former candiate for Mayor, Green Party, my neighbor, hero, and eternal crush, purchased my MAGIC EIGHT BALL and my boom box. How frikin perfect. Of course he did. Eight ball is going to Momi Toby's, our local cafe, to replace their old one. I couldn't think of a better thing that could have happened to it, and it has Tons of Mojo, lemme tell you.Some of my friends stopped by to see the show and help out a bit, they rock, here is Dave with the cool acquisitions he came out with. And there's Helen after her super healthy run, she was in town and got to catch all the action. Toni and Elaine and Gal also cruised over, good to have some grounding as I was super exhausted from leaving my work the day before. Had the ladies over from the "Assisted Living" place down the street, to which we sold everything for "a quarter", dressed them to the nines with our jewels and scarves and treasures. They were so happy, grateful, they made the day of it and brought their friends. .One of my neighbors commented to me (as I was getting home that night at six a.m. ; ) more on that later) that the sale was so "spirited", letting go of these "things" was not sad at all.Felt like I was gaining my freedem back. I do not miss them at all, I feel levity and I feel free freedom to move about, as I once did, like when I moved to SF eleven years ago with everything in one milk crate. I swore then I would not burden myself down with "stuff", but then things come to you, objects that have meaning, representing different aspects and memories of our lives. They have served me well and I hope they will have a good life in other peoples homes. I made a connection with each person that I gave things to, and know that more memories will be made with my plants, my scarves, my mugs, they are onto a good life somewhere else

In the end I was happy and EXHAUSTED. I made some cash, bonded with my neighbors, and then off to a quick cat nap before my party. That is an entirely different entry to which I am still trying to find the words for. Lets just say I am still floating above my body from all of the love that I have obsorbed from my chosen family. More to come, soon, must pack, must sleep, good night..


At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time! I, too, aspire to having only one milk crate/backpack to my name. Love the freedom in knowing that everything I need is provided. But it's sometimes hard for me to remember as I keep attracting stuff. A constant struggle, needless to say. Keep shedding the baggage!


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