Contemplating Joy
You hear so much about it lately
Especially with the holiday season upon us
It's different than happiness
Happiness is so vast, so transitional
Joy permeates
Joy, is
I've seen Joy in all sorts of situations
from the ghettos to the mountaintops
from people who struggle hard and children who don't know any better
what does it take to have Joy? How does this happen
I know people who have it
some it comes easier than others
and its not just in those who have "everything" they are supposed to have
So things come quickly these days
I was thinking about this a lot
when "BAM"
I ride down through the town of my work
and all along the main road of the cutie town I work in
they have decorated for the holidays
"JOY" banners, lining the road with candles
I had to laugh
thank you universe
you continue to give me the cosmic giggle
so in tribute to your constant sense of humor
here are my thoughts:
is a decision
is a choice
is believing in not sinking into the harder things that inundate us daily hourly weekly
Joy is watching the birds right outside your window feed in a dance of delicacy and fairness
Joy is hearing that your good friend is pregnant
and having baby spirits visit you in your dreams
is DECIDING to not be upset that they screwed up your paycheck
Joy is falling in love with each and every child and family that walks through my doors and decides that they have the strength and courage to find out what they can do to make things right
Joy is riding up the mountain on my way home and walking through the doors to find that my love has made me dinner complete with candles lit
Joy is a choice not to be pissed off complacent or bored
Joy is an opportunity to thrive and live
by doing what ever you possibly can to give and receive and be and love
Joy is now