Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In Gratitude

In Gratitude for my beautiful Man Scott my amazing family and the best friends ever work that I love my strong and my resilient body my clear vision my strong sense of fairness instincts the smell of burning wood the deer who eat in my yard raw food my car fuzzy blankets Bearsville good movies red wine dark chocolate nice carpets my computer being in love art the vivid dreams I have been having phone service my own office clarity of mind to study peace quiet colorful woods music smelly candles safety when I drive music squirrels coconut cocoa smoothies having dinner made for me making dinner for him being in driving distance to my family having washer and a dryer nice lighting peace omega not watching the news too much radio woodstock love love love and love!

What are you Grateful For? Happy Thanks Giving!
And yes, Happy Birthday Sue!


At 1:55 PM, Blogger elfqueen8 said...


I'm thankful that I'll be visiting SF in late December... thought I'd let you know just in case there was a tiny chance that you might be out there at the same time???



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