Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Falling into the mystery

I know its been a long long time
stolen moments on this information box
have been capitalized by creating a future life
as opposed to documenting a past one

But yes lots to speak of
and not communicating leaves me out of touch
with those I love and treasure
the time of this is closing soon soon

Three more weeks here in my stomping grounds
some highlights to share:

Omega this year for me has been my academy really
less social, more scholarly
very focused and disciplined
reading incessantly
walking, classes, workshops
its been illuminating
and of course spiritually enriched
vitamin fortified even ; )

completed a month long cleanse (one week fast)
that left me open and wide

graced by the presence of teachers far and wide
healers prophets sisters of many kind

Just some highlights to let you in
I couldn't possibly translate what I have
gathered by my experiences
to paragraph right now
but just to document it
and try to share where I've been:

Extatic chant with Krishna Das Deva Premal Mitten Wah
Julia Butterfly and Seane Corn in Divine Action
with three hours of kick my ass yoga every day
The Sacred feminine with Gail Straub and Carla Goldstein
Life as a Living Ceremony with Carl Big Heart
David Wolfe and his raw food love
Foraging for wild food with Wildman Steve in Central Park
Museum of Natural History
Women and Power with many many to speak of including
Jane Fonda Eve Ensler Majora Carter and Nobel Peace Prize Winners
Deepak, Dan Millman, Sam Keen in one hour
Carolyn Myss and Grahm Hancock and lots of squirrels chipmunks and deer
oh yea and one very frisky mouse
and of course, John of God
the Brazilian healer, this was a huge event
thousands of people on our campus every day
hoping to find some comfort, some solace
in their aches and pains
all of us
midwives in white
hoping to "hold the current"
as we prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed

So yes my loves
Wrapping it up
soon soon I will be back into
the land of cell phones and blogging
I am ready
I am ready

So now
so now
Scott and I search for our new home
keeping it local
although there are some opportunites over the state border
going to rent right now
so we can hunker down
and set some foundation for this beautiful life of ours
him the house and recording and raw food
me getting back to the work I love
I yearn to do again
and study study
get this bloody test out of the way

We have had an amazing summer together
lots of love and learning and growing , together
Yesterday I had some sage advice
from a gorgeous mother in 37 year union:
"you have a special love
and its about making it a holy love"
amen sista

I definitely know this time for us together
has set a beautiful spiritual foundation for us
to grow and flourish
and we search right now for a community
in which to serve and grow
lots of opportunities abounding
I am balancing my planner Virgo
with my hope for allowing what is to be
I read the other day
"allow yourself to fall into the mystery"
i couldn't agree more

love reigns
I am over here
continuing to fall
hope you are well
till next time...
I am happy


At 12:13 PM, Blogger Gal said...

Just one line: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Helen said...

just lovely. so eloquent and whole. I love being witness to your path...


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