Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I just love love love my people

I am so blessed
I know this
I went to this wedding this weekend for my oldoldold school peeps from Bradford, my college in Massachusetts, where I basically grew up,
My crew from over a decade ago
really good peeps who helped me become become becoming
Kerrigan and John (naked John to those in the know) got hitched in an incredibly beautiful ceremony, on a huge old gorgeous farm house in, in a Quaker ritual where we all were the officiants and it was just gorgeous and touching and everyone cried and they have been together for ever and I love them to pieces. Its when you go"yes", they should be together, you just know this...

This week is particularly hard and wonderful all at the same time
big things happening in my loves lives
Dan and Sarah who I adore (another YES!) honoring their love
Toni and Ari and Martini getting ready to unite, and Toni's bday

All the 'licians on the playa
this is the hard part
just being in another part of the world
I feel them so in my heart, my gut
like last year, my body physically aches for this
I LOVE my peeps so much
and having them far away, I am really feeling it
its become harder and harder I have to admit
Rachel and Jess and Toni feelin it too... trying to figure out ways to get me there...
Rachel even offering to buy me a ticket out there
Jess coming up with clever ways to get me a ride and sustenance
Toni offering her wise words of love
Sarah her love and time even while she is busy with her wedding
Gal and Karina and Katy messages from beyond...
I just love you so much

Kerrigan and John were there this weekend surrounded by all this love, this incredible community who created their wedding for them,
and all I could way to Scott was "look at this, how blessed, and we have this, we have this we have this... and where are we?"....

Big questions and we search for the next spot
and also I should mention I am fasting right now at the end of a month long cleanse
so I am very open and emotional
its all been wonderful all wonderful big realizations
big stuff
Turned 35 last week
which was awesome
had a great day
with my Mom
and then Scott took me to the Dutchess County Fair and we rode the Ferris Wheel
and pet the goats and cows and had a blast
I feel great, I know life is good, I have so much, I am happy done my work doing my work meeting awesome teachers, people who would blow your mind if I had time to tell it...

What else what else
just been doing a lot of work
feeling quiet, not a lot of computer time
feeling less and less like I want to be around one either
so here it is all in one big post

I just love you, my peeps
I hope you have an amazing time on the playa
When you look at the full moon this week, know that
I am there with you

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Good Stuff

Yes dear readers, I am here
really I am

Finding less and less time to be on the computer
days are filled with , well, everything
Long walks, naps, lovely meals
people friends new age rock stars
hammocks kayaks astrology intuition

Less connected to the internet what is happening whats not happening
but I still love you, I do I do
feeling quiet, doing a lot of work here
big stuff

Started the Ejuva cleanse (www.ejuva.com) on Monday
and quit a fifteen year caffeine addiction Sunday
I feel good, it's intense though
I feel as if I am a helium balloon
my head swirling around, my body the ribbon
spacy, but level
not really grounded, but who needs grounded right now
less anxious totally
I didn't realize how much my body held it
looking forward to the month of it
Scott is joining me, encouraging me really
he's such good support, filling our water bottles
making my shake, making sure I drink enough water
it'll be good for us already I feel changes

Had the good fortune to call the other day
while they were having Martini's baby shower
got to speak to a load of them
it was so good
all planning for burningman and babies
Sarah and Dan's wedding
i got off the phone and burst into tears
serious serious gutteral tears
crying to Scott "Can we move to the West Coast"
thats the one thing I am seriously missing right now
my girls my community
but I feel them all the time
thinking of them and their sweet sweet smiles
love you guys...
I am very very blessed indeed

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Police rock the Garden

Dream come true
Saw The Police at Madison Square Garden on Friday night with Scott, Jerry and Jenn. They were great, sounded incredible, played so playfully, like brothers. It was so amazing, thousands of people screaming and singing all the songs. Beautiful warm rainy night, lightening storms, beers at an Irish Pub. All of my favorite things!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Twenty years
my father and stepmother
celebrating on August 15th

Shared in a weekend extravaganza with them, it was beautiful. Just fun and really healing for all of us. Its been quite a month in the family, lots of changes, moves, twists and turns. In the end we all land on our feet, very blessed indeed.

My sister Celeste and brother Tony are also musicians, and had a blast playing their new CD's, mixing it in with Scotts band. Lotsa music and so talented, all of them. The Family Jam!

Scott and Marilyn stayed up until the wee hours of the night talking about God, life, and what makes the world go 'round! A dream come true for sure as I have wished for a man that could go to bat in a loving and insightful way with a woman that I truly respect. It was all love, and very healing.

I really admire how my father and Marilyn love each other. They hold spirituality and growth as the highest ideals, know what is important, grow as individuals and as a couple, and share there love and abundance with others. It was beautiful to share this with them.