Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Korey!

When did we get so old darlin? How did that happen? We are so old I am not even gonna count for ya. Consider that your present from meeee! What I do know is that you are still older than I am. It's true though, we do keep getting better and better. Chalk it up to our dorkey adolescence. I guess all that Cure and black eye liner paid off. And reading too. We were always big fans of big words.

Now that I am back here it is everpresent that you were such a big part of helping me survive this East Coast existence. And getting to San Francisco. I don't know how either of us would have made it there without each other. And *star booty* of course. Remember when we were so cold in Boston waiting for the T that our hair would freeze into icicles? Yeah, its kinda like that right now for me. You helped me keep (and cultivate) my humor that helped me be funny instead of bitter. Thanks. Where is that Christmas card we made, with us standing there waiting and freezing? Me with my scarf, you with your smoke, or was it the other way around? I am so glad we never did step in front of the Lexus. Although the payoff would have been swell.

We are old enough now to know that Tang and Tuna is not the breakfast of champions. That word processors do not stand up to laptops (especially when they are stolen our first night in SF OUCHY). . That "Ugly" will not neccesarily be able to be our bio birth child. That themostwonderfulthingintheworld doesn't necessarily cause all natural disasters. Ok maybe some of them. That our disco lunch show will not save the world, but it does help, a lot. And that we need to keep investing in expensive eye creams. Thanks again for turning me on to them at the ripe age of 23. They sure paid off!

I am glad that you are back in SF, holding down the fort for me. I wish you a beautiful day. I hope M. takes you out for some great birthday fun, you deserve it. Don't grow into an ol' furnickity librarian now. I am counting on you to start the first porno section ever in a college library. I know I would've spent a lot more time in the Bradford library if it had a porn section. We did have that hot Vladmir guy in the library though. And of course Beth was very porn. Even though they were both a bit crackers. Oh well. Don't go crazy like them, ok? OK.

Alright my dear, have a beautiful one. Big love, C~*

post script, this is the comment added by Korey, a true account of a holiday present gone wrong in Boston circa 1994(?)
Shit, I did do that, didn't I? OMG moist panties? Ahh! Christie, this brightened my day, and made me reminisce for days gone by. SF is not the same without you. It's good to be back but also different. Who knows, maybe we'll join you on the east coast soon. My memory from Boston (read in the voice of Sofia Petrillo of Golden Girls fame) Picture it: Boston, 1994. A lovely young girl, poor yet plucky, decides to bake up a gargantuan batch of gingerbread to share with friends and family. In her magnanimous haste, she may have added a bit too much baking powder, who knows? It was cold, and the oven was the only source of heat in their tenament. Well, that and the electric blanket they huddled under when they were too toe up to invite a trick home. Anyway, she baked her ass off, but soon the apt. was filled with a black smell, a charred smell, and gingerbread was virtually shooting from the oven. The lovely young girl shrieked, then she grabbed a glad bag and summoned her roomate to help her shovel that charred brown love loaf into the bag. But it was too late. the surly yet hot Boston fire dept. had been summoned, and marched through the door axe in hand. The lovely young girl, waving the smoke from her face, said this: "What, you never bake?" And then they laughed, and ate raw gingerbread mix. The end. P.S. Why do you look so much prettier in that picture? I guess i am older. I'm going out for moisturizer now.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The State of My Union

I tried, I really did
but I cannot watch that man on television. My stomach churns. Wipe that smurk off your face. He is lying, even the Republicans are getting on board. Duh. I struggle with this all the time. Know your enemy. I think I need to know what is happening. I can't do it. I haven't watched the news since he was "re-elected", why start now? I'll read all about it in the Times tommorrow- of all the tales he told. As much as I can stomach anyhow. I was able to sit through Pelosi though receiving her proud moment. yay. I love how they have to stand up and sit down every three seconds. I almost want to watch it on mute. Up. Down. Up. Down. Now thats amusing.

Studying is cranking
It's warm enough again to do my daily walk
I got the job I wanted, needed. I miss working with people, using what I have, what I can give. I find myself counselling my sister and her friends and anyone that will actually listen to me. te he he. I actually am going to be assisting the other therapists since I can't legally do direct practice, which is perfect. It will hopefully leave me with good brain space to study.
It's gonna be tough though.
I have to commute to Newark but I need some city action right now...the burbs is making this girl cranky.I am beginning to feel like a circus side show act here in good ol BC. I digress.... It's a good job, I miss the work. It's not my dream job but
it'll be good enough for me to do what I need to do for the next six months, (I am on a strict six month plan) pay some bills, save some money, get some skills, support me through (and pay for) my licensing for SW.
Great benefits, every tenth day off, all holidays too,
and it's with the State which are some of the most SW coveted jobs. Plus I miss my work, my practice, helping people, I really do. I am ready.

It's weird, I even tried not to get this job, I cancelled my first interview. First, because of a confusion around what I can do not being licensed, but also I think because I really wanted the Cornell job. Lets face it, that was my dream job. I am excited not to have to move to Ithaca in the dead of winter though. My sister and I are settling into a really supportive healthy life right now. I really know that this is one of the big things here I am meant to do. We are seeing each other through some tremendous growth, and we laugh all the frikin time. It's good.

The hard stuff:
I miss my friends. I miss my city. I am beginning to refer to her as my ex-girlfriend. I see pictures of her and my heart aches. I saw this Ghiradelli chocolate commercial tonight with this woman eating chocolate and gazing at the moon near the Golden Gate bridge and I thought I was gonna loose it. My three favorite things all in one big marketing tool. Bastards.

It's quiet. I am used to doing this or that or this person or that party or this event . Missing Mad Hats, Dahlia's third bday, my girls getting together. I had a four way conversation this weekend with my girls though and it is carrying me over. Celebrating some really important milestones in each others lives (; ) ). Finding ways to support each other all on our different paths. I need those girls like I need my skin. It's beautiful what we have seen each other through. Looking for a way to get out there soon for some lovin.

I am still content with everything despite all of the question marks you see written all over the page.It's coming together. It really is. Nothing is permanent. It was weird to cancel my city car share membership. My change of address form. But in a way it felt like I was actually committing to moving forward, making some hard decisions. Making any decision. Saying Yes. Saying yes. I know right now is about digging in and getting it done. I played hard for a long time. Time to continue to set the foundation.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Gardening in the Snow

That would pretty much sum it up right now
I am staring out the window at my first snow for the season
Its sweet its white it's magical
(finally it's cold here, meanwhile it snowed in So Cal...)

I refer to the efforts I am making towards this East Coast life of mine
Sowing planting clearing out the weeds
Picking out the bulbs Choosing the color scheme
What mixes with what? What soil would be the most fertile?
Does this area get enough sun? Enough shade?
And I am going against the seasons,
the ground is cold and hard and won't easily give
I need to work harder for it~
Guess I'll have to get a sharper shovel

I hope I am not complaining
It's merely time to see some flowers
it might be the NoCal in me


but I've spent my time in the garden
and I am looking forward
to see what comes of it~

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"You can't beat God"

To take a quote from a dear friend of mine
Look at these Japanese Lanterns
And this is in their skeletal state
Usually they are orangey and full and gorgeous
I prefer them this way, haunting
Took these pictures while my sis mom and gma and I
were looking for a new place for my mom to live in Connecticut
It's that time that she settles up there with my dear gma
who despite her two mile a day walk
needs the comfort of knowing that someone is nearby
"just in case"
In some way these lanterns are a vivid reminder
of what happens to us as we age
We might loose some of our color and fullness
But truly
I know when I look at these lanterns and my Gma I know
We just get more beautiful

You really can't beat God

Friday, January 12, 2007

Too funny not to share....

(post scriptum: even though I am still very upset with you, I hope you are "like", ok)

Thursday, January 11, 2007


photos by andymilford

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Reservation

Because people rarely get off the Parkway
Jersey is one of the best kept secrets
Behind the malls and the fast food joints
is land and land and land
they don't call it the Garden State for nothin now...

I was fortunate to grow up in one of the more beautiful areas
just a stones throw from the city
people pay through the nose to live here
Now that I've been here for a while as an adult
and not a bitter angst ridden rebelling teenager
I have a better understanding of why

The Ramapo Reservation is a 2,145 acre county park that was my playground in High School and Grade School. For most of my time here this was just down the street from where we lived, and I spent many days when I supposed to be in school or ballet practice being here. This was my school. The smells, the land, feel ancient in me. We used to hike and get lost here for hours and hours, sometimes days.

It has been so warm out here, scary warm (Thanks Global Warming!)
and we went for a gorgeous hike yesterday with the dogs
This wild, this huge mountain that I used to climb when I was little was more like a mild stroll yesterday. Granted I have been walking a lot so I am in good shape, but it's weird how our perceptions change. It was beautiful, and hard being there again. Brought back all sorts of memories for me, good and bad, that I am still sorting through.

It is truly a beautiful place and I plan on spending a lot more time here. It is a dog heaven for sure, and Presley and Aurora (Noelle's dog who is a gorgeous husky wolf mix) had a blast mixing it up with all of them.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Yip Yip....

My new motto for this year
Is brought to you from some of my favorite aliens...

click here to enjoy...

Monday, January 01, 2007


Had an amazing NYE in NYC. Went to this famous comedy club called "Carolines" which was perfect, sounds cheezy but just laughed the whole time. Needed some good laughs. It was right in Times Sqare which was a mad house, but utterly calm and serene and surreal at the same time. Felt like we were walking through water, it was magical and bizarre. All these lights and confetti and people, and at the same time it was so grounding and just calm. Fun. And it's been warm out. Scary warm. But we left before the midnight hour to find other festivities.

Walked around forever taking in the sites.
Then found this fantastic Irish bar with Live music (classic rock, can't beat it) and cheap beer and fun people and noise makers and my brothers and sisters. Love this pic of my two brothers. Mike is on the left, Tony on the right (my step bro). He is an amazing drummer musician and left his law practice to do what he loves. He now makes children's music and is really good at it. Lives in NYC and is so chill and fun.

The bestest was that all of my loves from SF called me while they were riding around in their RV ringing in the New year. Felt like I was right there with them! Happy New Year!

Double OOOoohhhh Seven....

Ring out the old shapes of foul disease;
Ring out the narrowing lusts of gold;
Ring out the thousand wars of old,
Ring in the thousand years of peace.
--Alfred Tennyson