Thursday, January 18, 2007

Gardening in the Snow

That would pretty much sum it up right now
I am staring out the window at my first snow for the season
Its sweet its white it's magical
(finally it's cold here, meanwhile it snowed in So Cal...)

I refer to the efforts I am making towards this East Coast life of mine
Sowing planting clearing out the weeds
Picking out the bulbs Choosing the color scheme
What mixes with what? What soil would be the most fertile?
Does this area get enough sun? Enough shade?
And I am going against the seasons,
the ground is cold and hard and won't easily give
I need to work harder for it~
Guess I'll have to get a sharper shovel

I hope I am not complaining
It's merely time to see some flowers
it might be the NoCal in me


but I've spent my time in the garden
and I am looking forward
to see what comes of it~


At 4:28 PM, Blogger Miboni said...

I really wanted to see it snow when I was in NYC for Xmas. But alas, was not to be. Can only imagine how beautiful it was.

Yes, I got a call from the agency and gave you a rocking/glowing report. Of course, it's only the truth.

Good luck honey, and let me know the good news. They sounded super excited about you and I told them they were getting an amazing woman.


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