Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It hasn't stopped
It just won't stop
It hasn't stopped raining, it feels like, since November?
Houses are sliding off the hills
Roads are becoming rivers
Rocks give way to waterfalls
Are we doing this? Our pollution? Our arrogance?
Is it a sign that this land does not want us anymore?
I feel horrible for the people who are loosing their homes, their business's
They are told to pack up their lives, take what they can
Then I think, were we supposed to live there to begin with?
Is it any coincidence that the most beautiful places are the most vulnerable?

I even bought a new umbrella for the occasion. The picture is awful, but it's all bright and sparklie. Something shiney in this season of grey. Keep your heads up!

Ps big fat lovin to TT, thanks for the soup and incredible company. Wuv U!


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