This is how you know me
Long ago
In a land far, far away
There was a haven in New England
A Liberal Arts Oasis if you will
Where humanities, arts, and human heritage ruled
And we "Dared To Be Different"
and different we were
underachieving genius's
And we were thick as thieves
poetry morrisey and lots and lots of acid
underground tunnels haunted mansions and tupelo pond
There was even a round table
Where the gossip
and the Captain Crunch flowed freely
This land was called Bradford College
I was blessed so hard at this school
Not only did I get three years of scholarships
(the last year I am still paying off thank you very much Sallie Friggin Mae)
but I had one of my First Chosen Families
Of this beautiful group grew Rob and Christa
Both incredibly brilliant sexy sparklie and bound for greatness
They have an incredible love story which is theirs to tell
And they continued their journey here to San Francisco
This is how you know me
Korey and I left Boston with a quickness
and hauled ass to the land of Fruit and Nuts
We never would have made it here if it weren't for them
Seriously folks...
They let us sleep in their living room FOR A MONTH!
We ate their food listened to their music watched their movies
And we are high drama us two lemme tell you
in a one bedroom apartment
and then hooked us up with our first apartment, roommate,
social life...they made it possible for us to land here safely
This is ten years ago
And I am eternally grateful to these dear dear souls
Even though we don't make the usual rounds together
This is still my family
And now they have made their own:
Welcome (or emoclew Rob!!!!)
His name is Connor Weymouth Sinclair
Born: March 28, 2006 at 4:40pm
Weight: 7lb 5.5.oz
Length: 21.25"
Isn't he so gorgeous???
And now they are the Sinclair family
I love you guys
Auntie Christie
It is great to hear about this other part of your life-some more of the formative years...makes me sentimental and a little weepy, will it ever stop raining? Thanks for sharing XT!
What a beautiful little munchkin!
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