Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Produce This!

Threw a party
for our Production Crew
the "part timers"
are leaving October first
so we had a leaving well celebration

We have all become very close
I really feel like my Omega experience started fully
when I came to this department
I love the energy of being so physical in my work
and these people are just so incredible

Most of us are staying on for October but to those who are leaving,

Thank you for an incredible season!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Broheme

He rawks
has his own style
his own way
so incredible
dreamy other worldly qualites about him
in this soft sensitive tough kinda way
so caring
so smart
so attentive
so my brother

love you love you love you!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Jerry!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Haven't been to Woodstock in years
what a great cute beautiful place
a place one could call home
Not too "Tie Dyed"
Made friends with all the locals
got invited to move into the garden apartment
sure of course yes yes
but maybe not
just a thought....

Friday, September 22, 2006

Happy New Year

Rosh Hashanah
New Moon in Virgo
First Day of Libra
Annual Lunar Eclipse

New Year
Big Day
Big revelations
Big Big Big
Ouchy change the course of your life oh shit what have I been doing where have I been where am I going is this right then please Great Creator show me your way....

Had a huge reality check last night
Radical Honesty
No longer will I deny what I need
what my true desires are
in fear
or to appease others
or to not get what I need
or what I want
or what I think the plan is for myself
Because of my commitment to myself, I will post this here, as scary as this is
This is a part of a l letter to my friend
with whom I have learned a lot with
and from

I am understanding that I have a history of not asking for what I need from others, and there is lots attached to that , family, friends, lovers. I think whats been happening is that for some reason I have made an agreement with myself somewhere that it is ok that I haven't gotten what I needed, a false belief that I can give myself everything I need, and fear around asking for what it is that I really want. Why? Rejection, fear of not getting it, probably fear of getting it, not getting it anyway, not being able to depend on others, contentment with pretending it is all ok... i could go on....

Honesty reveals itself in scary and painful ways
I am reeling in this pain

and so so thankful for it's message

Always, Christiane

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Twenty First Night of September

We heard that His High Holiness
The Dali Lama
Was to be in Woodstock yesterday
We left campus early to secure a safe close spot
Was I really to be only twenty feet from him?
This being who has spread so much peace and love
This being who has been exciled from his country

During our time there
We ran into our friend Matt
who has been working on
The Monestary
in preparation for the
The Karmapa
They built this place of worship
high up on the hill
it is so gorgeous
so graceful

"HIS HOLINESS the Seventeenth Gyalwa Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, was born to nomadic parents in 1985 in the Lhathok region of Tibet. The parents, who had many daughters and one son, wanted to have another boy. They were told by the yogi abbot of Kalek, a Karma Kagyu monastery, that they might have a son but if they did they must place him at Kalek monastery. They agreed and a short time later they had a son.
The boy was called "Apo Gaga," which means "happy brother," a nickname given to him by his older sister. Apo Gaga spent four years at Kalek monastery, where he received a special education and was treated as an unrecognized reincarnate lama. During this period, he also spent some time with his parents."

Being the production team
Robert Jerry and I (with Nikki Wellness Center)
moved with a quickness and reverence
we knew the honor bestowed on us
to be able to help prepare for this visit
Matt recruited the right team
We went to help move rocks
put down "the red carpet"
for the Dali Lama's visit later that day
After he spoke in town
Being with the monks
moving clearing the land
creating space for a holy man
so grateful
saying prayers in the shrine
having flashbacks back to Thailand
where I spent most days in similar shrines
praying crying being grateful
for my life
being thankful
and reverent
that I could worship in a place
as holy

His message was peaceful
his message was honest about his pain
his message was funny
he had a cute funny lilt in his laugh
he was very graceful
and humble
"What shall I tell you?"
he asked us
he asked us
he who knows so much
asked us
His message was simple
about being simple
reminding us
how to be

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Dharma Bums

Was asked to join in with the Dharma Bums today, to sing and open up for our Weekly Staff Sanctuary Hour, where we have different faculty give us some time and support. This week was a poet from Russia who was amazing...
It was so fun to sing, I am doing this more and more. We found out from Matt (red shirt ) that there already is a Dharma Bums, but so what, sue us!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Jersey Baby

So this is the Jersey you hear about in the songs
Coming to you straight from Bruce Springsteen and
Jon Bonjiovi (a good Italian boy...)
Asbury Park used to be the gem of the Jersey Shore
Huge decadant buildings
Sprawling clean gorgeous beaches
and then it all went to hell in a Trans Am...

Here are some pictures of what remains, some really cool funky relics
I took the most amazing walk on Sat morning
Just cruised around for hours with my music and my camera
Then walked to the other part of the boardwalk through Ocean Grove
to Bradley Beach, which are just pristine and gorgeous
such a culture shock within one mile

So yes that is the Stone Pony
where it all began for Bruce
some great great gigs still play there, notice the sign
Steel Pulse is playing, as is Lisa Marie Presley (oops did I say good..)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mi Familiar

Had the most amazing weekend with my family
We all headed down to the Jersey Shore for a weekend of
sun fun and decadance
I can't tell you how much it warms my heart that I can do this with them
they have all done this kinda stuff for years, get together a lot, enjoy each other
while for me it has all been years of hearing the stories over the phone

My step brother Anthony bought a condo around twenty minutes from my Mom
so now we have another spot to crash, really beautiful, over looks the ocean
We all spent time walking on the boardwalk, investigating the new/old Asbury Park
playing games, listening to my step sister Celeste's demo of her singing, cooking
eating eating eating
Laying on the beach, having great talks
It was really amazing to watch my Mother and Father
they have been divorced for over twenty years
there were times when it has been really really really bad
they did their work , with the help of us and my step mother Marilyn
and now they spend time talking and joking and teasing each other
it's really quite beautiful, a miracle even...

(above, both my moms, both my sisters, my brother Anthony and my daddio)