Friday, January 18, 2008

"Mondo Beyondo" oh eight

I have a few crushes in the blog world, two of them I want to shout out in '08 for their courage and inspiration to me. Its weird because I have never met them, but feel as if I have been friends with them for years as they are so giving and intimate with what they share with us in this wild blogger world. Two of them (who are friends) are Superhero ( ) and Boho (

Last week was wild and challenging and shot me into new places. I was surprised by it, and what came out was a really strong voice with clarity. Thanks for all your support (you know who you are). I am great, the interview went really well, I feel strong and clear on the other end.

I think we all have these expectations that since it's a new year all is going to be groovy and squeaky clean. Then the snow piles up on the side of the road all yellow and grey and we go "WTF". I have wanted to take Superhero's Mondo Beyondo challenge for a while, so here it goes.

1. What do you want to acknowledge yourself for in regard to 2007?
(What did you create? What challenges did you face with courage and strength? What promises did you keep to yourself? What brave choices did you make? What are you proud of?)

I created a new life in a new state with a new man who exceeds my dreams and hopes and expectations. I was holding his face last night thinking "wow, it was you , and here you are", swoon.... thank you love.

Challenges I faced with courage and strength: Being in love and staying there, taking that awful but necessary job in Newark, staying on the east coast while I was missing my friends and home big time....

Promises I kept: to stay put when I was scared shitless, to be more honest with myself in what I need, not to run when I wanted to, staying close to my family

Brave choices are going back to Omega with Scott and loosing my stable income to plant fertile seeds for a wonderful life

I am proud of interviewing at Cornell for my dream job, and going through the most rigorous job interview I ever performed and for staying true to my dreams.

2. What is there to grieve about 2007?

(What was disappointing? What was scary? What was hard? What can you forgive yourself for?)

I grieve my life in San Francisco, the reality that I am living now on the East Coast, my community. I forgive myself for that choice.

3. What else do you need to say about the year to declare it complete?

(Okay, the next step is to say out loud, "I declare 2007 complete!" How do you feel? If you don't feel quite right, there might be one more thing to say...)

I am so grateful for 2007, it was a cornerstone year and I am grateful to all and for all. I am proud of myself and my choices , thankful for my losses and see now that it is all part of this wild and wonderful path we are all on.

I declare 2007 COMPLETE! Hazaaah!

(The final step is to consider your primary focus for the year to come. What is your primary intention or theme for 2008? Is it the year of joy? the year of self-care? the year of partnership?
Stand up and say it proud, "2008 is my year of...."

After you list your intentions, let's do the list that is truly Mondo Beyondo status. What are the things you are wanting to manifest that are almost too scary to even write down? The ones that elicit a gremlin response of "You can't have that!" or "Who are you to ask for that?" or "Fat chance. That will never happen. You're not a good enough....(fill in the blank)"

Are you nervous? You should be. This list should be a bit dangerous. It should make you feel a little shy and excited. Butterflies abound.)

2008 is my year of surprises, of joy, and of stepping strongly onto this new path.

I know that sometime this year I will finally get licensed for that bloody LCSW test I have been dreading for six years. Also I will be starting my own therapy practice and starting my own business consulting and providing therapy for those who cannot find a solid practitioner in their area (coming soon to a website near you...). I want to create a strong home based business. I want to sort out some of the yucky ambivalent financially successful guilt I have been avoidant of. I can be a strong social worker and therapist and be able to take care of myself financially as well.

I step strongly into my role as a dedicated sister, a strong advocate, and loving partner of Scott.I an really excited for our love, and I am so here...

In 2008 I will love well, live well, be softer and gentler with myself, not be so frikin serious, and have a lot more fun. I want to step deeper into a solid body based practice, to really commit to something that helps me continue to feel good and grow good. I commit to growing towards the raw/living foods path that Scott and I are on, and will have grace for myself when I am not there as well.

I will also be seeking out a woman/spiritual group that I can grow. Even if I have to start the darn thing. I want a community here dammit. So bring it!

And how about you? I look forward to hearing about your dreams and aspirations as well. Thank you Andrea Superhero, I am grateful for this challenge, and thank you for so freely sharing yours.


At 9:21 PM, Blogger Kim Carlson Art said...

i have so much to add, but i think you know what an upheavel 2007 was for me/us.

what was your test?


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