Monday, December 31, 2007


Seven has always been one of my favorite numbers
I am always inclined when Seven is around
it's just a neat sexy little number, dontchya think?
Well I have to say, '07, you certainly rocked my world
my knees are still quivering
if I was a smoker, I'd be hacking on that long sweet nicotine hard time!
a just reward of a job well done.. well done indeed!
Yes, yes, for a year, you did me right..
you came in smooth... let me have some time
to settle in, get cozy, put on a fire and a soft pair of pj's

And then Wooosh... like some drill sargent in the middle of the night
the blankets were gone from the bed and all bets were off
in one week:
There was no Ithaca, Sue was moving to Colorado
and I was in love

From there I stepped strongly onto the path that is
my new life
years in creation, praying, manifesting
and here it is

I am forever blessed by all of the abundance and
gifts of beauty and love that surround me daily

From the deer in the yard
to the dear in my heart and home
who is so damn good to me
good love baby good love
thank you, thank you, thank you

For the strong sense of who I am
and who I am becoming
and loving myself with humor and forgiveness
to the quiet sense of knowing this is allll right
its all right its perfect its the best day eva!

And the gifts continue to unfold
to the practice that is my relationship with the Divine
to the practice of how I have been blessed to share and give to others
for the ability to look inside and ask for help and then bring it out to the world and share and know that I am doing what I can
in this world to shine on and hopefully show others the good in them as well

What a gift, what a life
and I so look forward to what is next on the horizon
with my life with my love with the universe
See my secret: I think more good is going on than they tell us
And if we can take that and blow it up it can only expand and expand
till all of us are really choosing and creating and living and sharing
the life that we dream it to be
we have a lot more choice in this than we believe
and when we join with the great forces of the universe
and put on our superhero capes and make the decision
just to love, how can we go wrong?

sending my love to you all
may all of our '08's
be just as abundant


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Gal said...

Among the many things I love about XT, one of the greatest is that I don't think I have ever heard you really complain. You really do appreciate life, even when it's hard. And now, when it is so rich and rewarding, you aren't taking a second of it for granted. You so deeply drink from the cup and appreciate the nectar. For that quality, you will always know life's rewards, darlin'. I am so proud of you for what you have manifested, for the path you have always kept your eye on, even when there have been diversions. It sounds like you are rockin' it up there in the mountains, and I can't wait to come visit you. 2007 has been a big year indeed... let's hear it for another amazing one ahead. :)


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