Saturday, July 07, 2007

I'm Here

And away from the noise and traffic and distraction
Sitting on hammocks and reading and being
going to yoga and singing and sleeping, a lot
We slept in the tent on the first night
and it was sooooo cold
the coyotes were too close too
thought they might bite my butt when I got out to pee
had to pee so hard I didn't care
(this is not an exageration, there are coyotes near my new tent site, te he he)

Finding myself moving very slowly, very thoughtfully
Paying attention to where I am, what is around me
what I am chewing, drinking, seeing
it is peaceful
I fell into this faster than last time
I cannot beliveve the shape I showed up in
scattered and haggard and anxious
Jersey Christie is what i'll call her

Happy now
more peaceful
so peaceful I can't even find the computer or phone
and a walk through the garden is now my morning commute

I was on the hammock for hours today
lounging and reading my book
staring at the lake and the leaves and the children playing in the water
looked to my side at my love and he gazed lovingly back
swoon swoon swooning away
the way it is
the way it is
I'm Here

Happy 7/7/07


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Miboni said...

ah.. to be at summer camp again with your honey... so nostalgic and fun. you sound great.... enjoy honey enjoy.

Talk to you when you're able.


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