Oh yes the new moon...

for the last moon of October 2006
To be able to hold on to all the goodness I have received and created these past few months. To live in my gratefulness for being able to have this opportunity to work on myself and serve at the same time. To be able to articulate and share what it is that I have come into blessing with. To continue to cultivate my strong practice. To be able to incorporate my strong boundaries with my gifts and to be able to share them in a way that does not sacrifice or break spirit down, which in the end does not serve anyway. To remember that love means being open and available to the opportunities of having what it is that I truly desire. To and to be able to identify old patterns of "loving" where I do not receive what I need. To continue to define what it is that I desire and to attract that to me. To not hide from that any longer. To be able to walk strong in my next steps towards what it is that I am to be doing in this universe of ours. To study more into the practices of Spiritual Activism and Integrated living. To continue to shine my light strong. Shine on!
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