On this Harvest Moon
Froom Mooncircles (thank you again my dear lucky juju):
And now we’ve reached the Harvest Moon, one of the most beautiful moons of the year. With the Sun in harmonious Libra and the Moon in courageous Aries, it’s the perfect moment to regain balance, restore confidence,-and consider the meaning of recent events. Eclipses always reveal a truth that’s been hiding in the shadows.
If the eclipse brought an unexpected crisis, you know exactly what needs healing and repair. Not all eclipse events are jarring. What is unstable can erupt, but eclipses can work positive magic too. A doorway opens to a new way of being, and sometimes this occurs quietly. The universe taps you on the shoulder or winks from across a crowded room. New information appears, but you’re welcome to file it away and forget about it. Don’t. Take this Full Moon to recall your experiences of the past month. Was there something—even a quirky, seemingly insignificant thing—that grabbed your attention, perhaps more than you thought it should? Were you unsettled—or electrified—by something you saw or heard? That was your eclipse message. Find a quiet moment during this Full Moon to let its full impact unfold.
It has been a very powerful week indeed. I realize that I am actually grieving a lot. And by grieving I do mean letting go. Letting go of what was, that I thought it should be, ways of being, ways of loving, ways of being loved, my old body, my old patterns , my old relationships, my old habits, my old fears, stepping strong into my power and on my path in this new incarnation, and being good with that. Being new in that. Happy Harvest!
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