This week:
Had a coaching session with an amazing man who is becoming a good mentor
Took a Cranial Sacral class for two days, learned a lot about our bodies and how to give a good head massage
Did Yoga almost every day
Ordered a Llamma for our "Communicating with Animals" Class
Spent time with the "Emerging Leaders" Workshop
Knew I was already an Emerging Leader
Continued with my massage class , gave and received amazing body work to the sound of the gorgeous pouring rain
Saw my first leaves turn, bright RED
Listened to Power to the Peaceful Concert on the phone with my friends (thanks R)
Was the firekeeper for our 9/11 memorial, very beautiful, very touching
Sang in public at least three times
Had a dragonfly ride around with me on the golfcart
Gave and received amazing love and feedback on the nature of our souls
Received several healings
Gave several healings
Put my future plans into motion
Got to talk to a bunch of my friends on the phone, missin them crazy
Had moments of gorgeous bliss where I absolutely knew what it was
Was proud of what I have done with my life
Felt really good in my body
Learned I am gluten intolerant
Facilitated and participated in a Women's group
Mentored and was mentored
Was happy that my good friend came back
Learned that Ann Richards died (she was supposed to be at Omega next month, was so looking forward to meeting her, what a Woman!)
Drove to my Mom's
Named my car: Sasssafrass, or Sass for short
amen to sass! can't wait to hear more of your plans you are putting into action. also in the coming months / year(s) how your experience at omega has impacted your life, it sounds so healing & grounding & just yummy... xo, H
I'm so glad to hear you're in your zone (even deeper than when I left) at Omega! You ARE already an emerging leader.. as you said to me - just "keep your crystal vision tight" and stay in touch with the One (and the Many) and all will go according to plan (a chaotic, creative, emergent plan, of course). I miss you a great deal but feel good that you are out there in the ether keeping it real and wild and sassy.
Much love to you,
I can't tell you how much it warms my heart to heal how nurtured you are!!! I love you and miss you like crazy. :)
Love, Gal
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