Sunday, September 03, 2006

September Sisters

Spent the weekend with my sister Susanne
What a love she is
So blessed to have her in my life
She came up from NJ to see me
at my "Compound"
I suspect this is all fruit and nuts to her
My life here
Where as I see it as so natural
just part of my daily grind
"Of course there are people doing Tai Chi on the beach
to a Master Cello Player" I say to myself
Just another day here at the fruit farm

I love exposing her to new things
I love that I took her to B.M.
I love that she sees me moving through the world
I need to model healthiness to her
for some reason I feel this deeply
That I need to be an example to her
of how to be a woman
and move through this world
as my Grandmothers and Mothers
have done before me
I hope I am doing a good job

Last year we were at "the burn"
where her world was blown WIDE OPEN
She came back alive and electric
ready to conquer the universe
that was until
Her Saturn Return Kicked Her Ass
broke her knee amoung other treasures
here we go
She is resiliant
and is receiving the lessons on
cleaning out her house
Glad I will be here for this part of her life

I wasn't for most of it
sad to say
I left home at the age of 16
left her and my brother
to deal with my wacky parents
cause I had done enough
so for most of our lives
our relationship has been long distance
Yet so connected we are
so connected
Stronger than any other bond you can imagine
we just slip into being
how grateful I am for this in my life

And now I get to be here
with her
driving distance
I watched her telling people this yesterday
with joy with relief
that I am only a two hour drive away
as opposed to on the other side of the world
there is comfort in this

We sat up all night listening to Kirtan
she got to see Jai Uttal Krishna Das and others
a community in worship
singing dancing feeling loving
knowing that the burn was also happening
and we shared this memory as well
bittersweet bittersweet

came home late to her sleeping in my bed
crawled in next to her
cared for
Sister My Sister


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Miboni said...

I love the relationship you have with your sister. Mine are so rocky. At this moment, Vannessa is not on speaking terms with Hang and has (I've heard through the grapevine) "disowned" Hang. Heehee. Continuous family drama.

I love catching glimpses of your family, your past -

At 10:21 AM, Blogger elfqueen8 said...

That was just beautiful... I think you still have the burn not because you have to go back but because you truly LOVE it. You love it.. it's rare to love something so much. Like your sister, too. That was a wonderful post. Glad you're planting your root system.. glad you're getting nourished. (do you know as I'm writing this in my apt., I just now started to hear the song "dont stop believing" coming out of someone else's apt. nearby?) Coincidence?

miss you,


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