Friday, April 04, 2008

Riding off into the sunset... (literally)

I finished my job yesterday
It felt as if I was breaking up with fourty families
It was a great gig
for that time
I am in gratitude
and ready to move on
into the next
allowing the mystery to unfold

and I know that as hard as it is it was to leave
it was time
time to ride off into the sunset
and I did this, literally
one of the first warmer nights of the season
with some breezy 70's lovey tune
rolling over the hills and onto the Kingston bridge
who's views rivals any other natural habitat
feeling utterly... serene
a feeling I have not been in touch with in a long while

This winter has pushed me
it's been my marathon
and I feel as if I am only coming up for
and I am certainly reaping my harvest as well
and have lots that I am enjoying and I am looking forward to a whopping ten days off
spending them getting ready for our upcoming move (again) then off for a jaunt with my sister who is flying in from Telluride for an east coast family tour

I think I was able to make some sort of impact in my work too
and it feels good to know that
and I am proud of the work these kids did on themselves
It's not easy to go into a room
with a complete stranger
at age 6, 11, 16
and tell them your deepest darkest secrets
to be able to be vulnerable enough to share
how daddy took off or how that mean person did x y and z to you
I am honored to be that person for them
and as we were wrapping up our work together
it felt good to know that they are in good places right now too
I received so much amazing support feedback from them
and from their parents
it's good to know
it means something
because it does
and I am astounded every day
at how strong and resiliant people are
we all just want to be here