Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Happy to my favorite Kitten

My favorite Kitten celebrates another year this week! Happy Happy my dear!

I love this picture of us, it kinda says it all

Here we are enjoying some time with our favorite ladies, sharing a moment only we would understand with some conversation in some secret language that would only make sense to us! I love those moments with her, where I only have to give her a look across the room of a crowded party and it constitutes at least three different points we want each other to understand... love that!

For her birthday present she asked us to write down some of our special moments together or send some love her way. I didn't want to be a hoggy hog on her blawg, but on mine I can write whatever the frig I wanna:

*Our walks together at Bman when we were so hot and frustrated that we couldn't take it anymore and how we were trying to hard to be present and fun and light when all we wanted was a glass of iced tea and our men to rub out feet by the pool, BREATHE. Ok, is that too much to ask for? Oh, and build me a shade structure while your up...

*Escaping away from party x y or z to talk our pshycobabble talk that only we would use to completely validate why we were absolutely in the right of so said kindof situation, and why didn't they get that? Wasn't it completely obvious to no one but us?

* Our special dates on Fillmore street, Manhattan, the theater, the swanky restaurant, the cafe, just some time for us to just treat ourselves together away from the grind of saving the world with a single DSM 1v and a bus pass

* The time I actually made it over the bridge to Oakland to hang out. You had to have surgery to get me to do this, but I made it!!!!!

*She has this secret gift that manifests the most chocolately hot chocolate and the softest cashmere sweaters- usually on sale or down some secret magical ally that you never knew existed in your very own city

*She always always shows up with some sort of intoxicating baked good that she made from scratch and carried on Bart all throughout the day for you.

* Our marathon phone calls which fill me up and give me enough gas to keep me going and going and going

* Our East Coast Innuendos and how I don't have to explain Wampum or the value of being on to you

Ok so I just love you to pieces and hope you have the bestest birthday eva! I am so so so glad you were born! Big love big love

Oh and a very Happy Happy too to CC who turns 40! Geesh we are really grown ups now, arn't we ...


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