Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Happy Birfday Blawgggity Blawg

Oh my, it's a year
(why do we mark time in years btw?, I am sure there is some reasonable answer for this...)

Yes it's been a year since I ate crow. I used to make fun of bloggers, and blogging. Even the name "blog", what in the world? "BLAWG BLAWG BLAWG" Jessafire would hear me moan. Then I read. Then I understood blawgging, stopped making fun of it and started using it~ inspired by my ladies, this incredible tool used
to express themselves to release themselves to share themselves

I give it up to Lucky JUJU, KOKOCHI and GRACEOPENHEART for pouring their lives out on screen, and inspiring me so to have this beautiful medium to indulge my own musings (and the two other blawgs that are still under the radar, they know who they are...)
(and the two after that that were birthed, they know who they are...)

I really don't even care who reads the joujoujolliejunket, as this has truly been for me to document one of the most life changing years I have pursued ever. A year ago seems like a lifetime ago. Truly.

But I do love that you read it. AndI love the way my friends can see what I am up to. Especially with all of the land in between us right now. In the past I have been a very private person, not really sharing so much of myself. Not because I had anything to hide but because truth be told I know what's going on with me, I am much more interested in what's going on with you. I don't necessarily need to share it for it to be true. But having the caliber of ladies in my life that I have had, they have taught me about reciprocity, and how to demand it from your relationships. This has sent me on a journey of sharing in which I am so rich because of . I want to share myself, my thoughts, my journeys. Truth be told, and I don't mean to "tooo", but I do have some interesting moments. At least I am entertained. If someone can learn something or enjoy them with me or have any insight or feed back, the more the better. Of course there are things I do not share, I do have some discretion, and this is mostly fed to my own private journal or other varieties of creativity in my life.

I am baffled by the amount of people who read this. Really I am flattered. From Finland to Greece, no kidding. Over 6,000 right now the stats tell me. I love that some people who I didn't even know I write whisper to me, "I read your blawg the other day"~ that they would even care to take a look. This also however includes some of my former beau's.... I have to be truthful that if they had one I would be super tempted to look as well, we always wonder. I've decided I am not going to censor myself anymore to protect them. I don't write about my love life a lot because of privacy issues, but also I am protecting myself and them because I know they still read ( I cannot tell you how I know but I do know this wink wink ). The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone but there are some beautiful and interesting things happening and I no longer want to censor myself. Ok? Ok.

I write because I can. I write because it helps me release. I write because when I look back a year from now I can go "oh yea, I worked on that", or "wasn't that a frikin blast". Blogging culture still weird, still self indulgent, still voyeuristic. But then again, we all need a little something something now and again. I would love to hear from you from time to time. Please feel free to comment. I want to know that you are there. I want to know how you are, what you think, what's going on. Who is out there? I want to know!

Blogblogblogblogblogblogblog that.


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