Five things you probably don't know about me
five things you probably don't know about me
a.k.a. Confessions
I've been tagged by Katia Lucky JUJU to do a Meme
I have this weird inclination to do this
I'm just superstitious like that
Just like if you send me one of those stupid chain emails I have to do them too
So Please don't send me any chain emails
I don't mind meme's so much though
so here goes
1. I backed out of a three way with Matt Dillon and my really hot friend Sarah when I was living on Martha's Vinyard during college. It was right before his "Swingers" movie came out after a really long acting dry spell,, so he was a bit on the looser side, (even more so than now) but hey he was frikin "Dallas" on the Outsiders so how much of a looser could he be. Why you ask? He was "that boy" that my friend hung on her wall ripped from her Tiger Beat magazines. She fantasized one day about marrying him, her girlhood crush. (mine was River Phoenix RIP) I am sure her fantasies of being with him DID NOT include me in bed with them. PLUS he was a big pervert and he had a broken leg at the time, and that's not so fun in the bedroom. The next morning my friend thought I left that night even though I went to one of the bedrooms upstairs and I was stranded at his house with him in the middle of no where.
2. I left home at the age of sixteen. I wasn't getting along with my parents (my father and step mother) who were newly"reborn" Christians. I was in my black and goth stage, not a good mix. We moved out from the area I grew up in my senior year of high school to an area where my high school was across the street from cows. I was used to being in Manhattan every weekend with my friends and boyfriend, and felt completely like an alien in my new preppy high school. I took off and lived with my boyfriend my senior year, my Mom lived down the street so I could visit with her often and "play" like I lived with her to my high school for legal reasons, but I've been on my own ever since.
3. My Mom made me try out on Broadway for the musical "Annie". She was a total stage mom and I was in ballet, voice, and other various dance classes since the age of four. I was in singing competitions and plays and dance rehersals every week for most of my youth until I became a teenager. I tried out for "Annie" the year after Sarah Jessica Parker and I had no desire to be this red headed caricature. I did get a "call back" over thousands of other girls, but couldn't go for some reason. I think I got sick or somebody died or something. I remember being really relieved. But then my lunch lady who painted on her eye brows found out somehow and made me stand up in front of the ENTIRE lunch room and sing "Tomorrow". I have been tramatized ever since and to this day feel nauseas every time I've heard that song. I Never heard the end of it until I graduated High School. I still get teased by my brother and sister for this.
4. The first week I got my drivers license I got into an accident with a Mac truck. I had just bought my 1974 Chrysler Newport Special (army green with black leather interior) and offered to drop my friends off from school. I remember backing up onto the street, and because my car was the size of a hearse was having trouble getting back into my lane when the truck let off his brake and rolled right into me. It was in slo mo but it's a Mac truck so it messed us up. I almost bit my tounge off and my friend Anne (who had a huge bag of weed in her purse) got knocked up pretty bad. The police officer said if my car hadn't been so huge we would've been plastered. I didn't really drive much after that, haven't owned my own car again until this year. I went to college after that and then mostly in cities so I didn't need one, but I think it was really an excuse because I've been scared. Since I've been on the East Coast I am driving every day and feeling stronger and stronger about it. I still get scared sometimes though, especially next to trucks.
5. I have two fake teeth. I have a really small jaw (despite having such a big mouth) and whenI got braces my orthodontist had to pull them down from the top of my jaw, they never grew in. He pulled them down wrong and they didn't survive the trauma. I won't tell you which ones though, gotta keep em guessing some how....
Ok YOUR turn, I tag miboni, kitten, mamachronicles, tropic of virgo, and double tag Helen with Katia!
Awesome! #1!!!!!!
Hah! You make me laugh even from so far away.
Love you.
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