Wednesday, March 07, 2007


(photo by tt)

Missin my peeps big right now

It's hard being here sometimes, especially with the time difference and hating the phone
feel very far away right now...

We are all going through some amazing changes

with L being so so preggers, and T being little preggers

Sara and London getting hitched Tameeza's finishing school N' big plans coming soon

Gali moving and etc and Jess and Rachel holding it down for Oaktown

Graceopenheart taking on her new position

Sue searching for a new job new life new directions

Mie and Katia raising their gorgeous creatures and being radiant beings

and all the countless others I love and know and miss dearly

and me

in a minute of limbo with hopefully some grand plans to announce soon


this just comes to mind
for all of the changes the evolution the fruition
at least this is what I am feelin

get it?

such a UC Berkeley word
(I dated this guy once who also went there and I almost tore his clothes off just for knowing how to use the term)

this is where I am at

Just in case let me break it down:

There's this big dark cover over the building, and all these ladders and construction on the outside. It seems hectic and forboding.
It may look confusing and secretive on the surface,
you might not wanna walk too close
may peek through one of the air holes but it looks phrenetic and tossled

But when the big reveal happens, you won't be able to believe all of the shiny goodness
strong foundation big beautiful windows glimmering towers
and you'll know that all of the work was worth it

but see thats the deal

we are always being created we are always creating

a work in progress but perfect in all of the ways that we are

reaching for the next phase and glorious in this one

the trick is to be in it to win it

but know just know, that you have already won

thank you for your patience while I am under construction
love yous miss yous i am always with yous


At 8:58 PM, Blogger Gal said...

You are a magical creation under construction, more beautiful and radiant and awe inspiring than the Eiffel Tower or the Empire State Building... When I close my eyes and peek through the scaffolding cover, that's what I see of you. Love, G

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Gal said...

You got it, girl! That is exactly it. We are born perfect, and spend our lives working to reconnect with that. Perfection is not the goal, it is our point of origin. L,G

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Miboni said...

hey brown suga....

We're always thinking of and holding space for ya...

Keep blogging, it keeps me connected to you.... i'll tell you about my crazy food episodes that made kitty laugh


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