Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"Goddesses Who Shine Like The Sun"

This is a repost from a newsletter site I am a member of, from a woman I met while at Omega this summer. Momma Donna is facinating and full of knowledge, a very powerful teacher. She leads a lot of rituals in New York and is regarded as strong healer.
And as we are honoring Santa Lucia I would like to honor my little light Lucia, who is just adorable and shining on!

The week leading up to the Winter Solstice is the darkest of the year. True, the week following the solstice is just as dark, but the energy is different. After the solstice, the dark gets a tiny bit lighter each day as the world as we know it on the Northern Hemisphere turns toward spring. But now, pre-solstice, we are spinning further and further into the dark. December 13 is the winter solstice on the old Julian calendar. So it is no wonder that this is the time when we honor two sun goddesses: Our Lady of Guadalupe and Santa Lucia. December 12 is the feast day of the Mexican Guadalupe who is now designated the patron saint of the Americas by the Catholic Church. But Her reign predates the Hispanic takeover of Mexico. Called ‘La Virgen Indigena,’ She was once -- and still is to Her many millions of worshippers -- Tonantzin, ’Our Lady’ the great mother goddess identified with the moon, a principal household deity worshipped by the Mexica and other tribes of Mesoamerica. Her image is always encased in a halo of sunburst sunrays, making Her a Solstice Queen. Santa Lucia, 'Saint Light,' is often called the Queen of Lights. Lucia symbolizes light and growth as She emerges out of the darkness. Her feast day on December 13 is celebrated as a Festival of Lights. Many of the ancient light and fire customs of the Yuletide became associated with Her day. Thus we find ‘Lucy candles’ lighted in the homes and ‘Lucy fires’ burned in the outdoors. For the people of Sweden and Norway, She is the great ‘light saint’ who turns the tide of their long winter and brings the renewed light of the day. May the combined glow emanating from Our Ladies Guadalupe and Lucia, solstice harbingers that they are, light our way through the dark this week. May their bright visages uplift us until the solstice when the sun will once again turn Her shining face toward us and grace us with her light. With blessings of hope and enlightenment, xxMama Donna Mama Donna's Tea Garden & Healing Haven PO Box ' Exotic Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238-0403 Phone: 718/857-1343 Email:


At 11:16 PM, Blogger Katia said...

How sweet! My own little Goddessina up there representing the Solstice Queens. This couldn't be more perfect...My birthday is Dec. 12 so Guadalupe has always been special to me and of course, Santa Lucia, too. Thank you for this.


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