Words Escape Me....
"I thought often of a friend of mine who lives on another coast.
Again. XOXT"
(thats me, thats me, te he he, how honored am I? That I was in the thoughts around creating this piece of magic thrills me)
Matthew, sigh...
So talented, Scary Brilliant, So Sexy
He completed this mural in four days
He is one of my few friends that is actually a "working" artist
I am so thrilled he has work that allows him to be as talented as he is
He is so versatile in his practice
His work makes me excited, afraid, turned on, there really arn't any words for it
I just sit and stare and let his work take hold of me
When I visited him he gave me a few pieces that I cherish
I try to give him feedback about it, but just end up gaping with my mouth hanging open
You know you've impressed me when I am without words...
So I'll let you sit and stare
and won't bother with them
because when it comes to him,
words escape me..
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