Wednesday, December 20, 2006

No REALLY, that's the Holiday SPIRIT

There is this phenomenon on the East Coast
That I have wanted to talk about for years~
It's something that for some reason (class, tact, lack of access) Western American people, as far as I can tell, have not been afflicted with
It's the phenomena of showing your holiday spirit
with huge blow up huge latex bundles in the effigy of what ever Holiday Idol you worship
Should it be, the Grinch, Santa on a Harley (with Frosty in tow), or the huge Chanakah Teddy Bear with Dreidel

The best part is that they are blown up by a generator, and during the day they lay flat on the lawns like they are playing dead

One Thanksgiving my Mom and Aunt actually tried to take a knife to the one across the lawn - one of the funniest moments I have ever encountered

My sister and I rolled around hysterically tonight taking all these pictures, I had had to post them for you, totally criminals sneaking onto lawns

The dreidel teddy bear lady caught me, had to let her know her holiday cheer really was incredible, she was so happy, spreading all that holiday spirit

Have you ever seen anything like it?

PS it actually snows inside of the snowglobe, I am not kiddin


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