Monday, July 31, 2006

Ciao Bella

Before I came to Omega
I prayed for a lot of things
One of my bigger prayers was that I was granted
A really good East Coast Girlfriend

What can I say
I was rewarded and then some!

Karin has been my rock since the day we got here
She is the peanut butter to my jelly
the pea shoots to my salad
the rock to my roll

Her gritty humor and dirty laugh keep me going
Her Crystal Vision is in step with my own Stevie (Nicks)
Her patience for my maddness is enough to be sainted
Her questioning Her realness Her quirks when she gets hot and angry
The way she picks up on a song that I am singing and keeps it going

She is leaving today to pursue her ambitious career
as a psychologist in Pittsburgh
and we spent her last night
drinking lots of Port and laughing our asses off
to which I cannot share how we got it te he he
where we took these funny pictures of ourselves
my pics I am sure are gonna be posted on her site soon

I wish you all the world Karin
I know you will find what you are praying for
I will always remember:
fitty cent sauna skinny dippin the stalk through the lyme the seaweed
and all the rest
Thanks for making life here at Omega
One of the best months of my life!
Keep on Bloggin!
(she is if you wanna check her sexy ass out)

Sunday, July 30, 2006


It's Quite Amazing the quality of people we host here
Not only participants who come from all over the planet
Not only Staff who come with their own gifts and jewels to share
But the Quality of Teachers who would teach that we are all teachers
From Pema Chodron to Carolyn Myss to Rodney Yee and Marianne Williamson
I have had the incredible opportunity to hold court this week with some incredible visionaries from different walks of life with very similar visions

Iyanla Vanzant is an amazingly warm and grounded minister, author, and "spiritual life coach" who you might know from Oprah and "Starting Over". She has a huge following which is very deserved.... once you meet her you are completely within her embrace and can really feel that hold. She has had an extremely hard life which she shares freely, and her story telling is mythical, clear and relevant. I sat in the Lake Theater one rainy blustery night and was so entranced in her presence that I wanted to just quit everything to go be trained by her Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development in Maryland. She brought with her her "angels" as she calls them, who are trained coaches themselves, and it was so incredible to see this amazing strong group of African American women on campus walking around in beautiful all white clothing to identify themselves. Nice to have some sista's up in this joint!

We also had Alex and Allyson Grey teaching a "Visionary Art Intensive" this week, and additionally they hosted many opportunities to experience their art and visions in other ritualistic experiential ways. For those that arn't familiar, Alex is an artist who has written "Sacred Mirrors", "The Mission of Art" and "Transfigurations", as well as countless pieces of work that you will say, "oh yea, I've seen that". We previewed his new movie CosM's which highlights his work in his studio in NYC where he has his collection, and it is an amazing testament to love and art. He and Allyson met over thirty years ago (on LSD) and since have been creating art and traveling, sharing their love with others. They are a very real, gritty,lovely couple. He invited a few of us to:

at Center for Symbolic Studies (which is this Groovy little compound near Woodstock)

Join CoSM around the fire where mytho-poetic alchemists and metaphoric minstrels gather to celebrate unity and diversity.
This all-night fire brings mythology to life through drumming, dancing, chanting, creating art, telling stories and truths.

We will drum fully until 12 midnight and then settle into an ambient alchemical groove that will take us through until dawn. The music of the fire circle will call to your soul. CoSM Fire is sponsored by Chapel of Sacred Mirrors and produced by Conscious Collaborations and the Faery King and his Gossamer Court, all in support of the evolution of consciousness through art, drumming, dance and community"

Ok sounds like some hairy fairy shamalamading dong kinda stuff, huh? But trying to get acquainted with what is really going on here on the East Coast I was game. Jerry, Robert and I took off after work on Friday and spent the next twelve hours meeting incredible people, singing beautiful songs, drumming, dancing, praying,performing rituals, cuddling by the fire, eating, and being. It was on a beautiful communal piece of land near Lake Mohonk (near Woodstock) which my friend Chris told me still holds some old growth trees on the property. It reminded me of something I would attend in San Francisco, but had a refreshing East Coast edge....

As we were rolling back to campus at 8:30 am (and right back to work not even a moment to change thank you v. much) I was reminded again that this is my life right now. Where my options are bountiful and my blessings are plenty!

If you are in NYC you should completely check out Alex's gallery. He has Full Moon party's every month that I plan on attending in August. He is completely interesting and humble, very accesible and really is so talented. If you are interested in more check out:

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Is it too late?

Is it too late?
To post my new moon intentions
Nah, why not
Heavy heart yesterday not really interested in getting in
the why here
Lets just say Perceived Need and Real Need can be different things
It s also interesting how imagination and fantasy can take hold
as well as denial
Mine and others
I thought two hours of yoga
then two hours of Carl Big Heart
then two hours of Tai Chi would help
it did get me over the hump
I am living life times in the amount of hours

I know I am being vague
but oh well
I am not ready to talk about it
I know sometimes I only post here
what I want you to know
and that is ok too
it's my blawg and I can edit if I want to : )

This picture is from our Japanese meditation garden
where I go sometimes to be quiet and pray
on my way to the Hill House where I take most of my classes
I'll share that with you soon

Intention : to stay clear on my path
even if I don't know where it is that
I am standing
to stay quiet and to listen
to the messages that are being presented to me
or that are not ready to be revealed quiet yet
to not fall into distraction
of my own
of others
of delusion
of what I think is best for me
that is embedded in old patterns of my own bad behavior
no matter how sparkly and bright that might be


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sacred Ceremony

So this week Omega has the honor
of hosting Carl Big Heart who is a spiritual teacher and medicine keeper in the Turtle Clan branch of tradition
He "focuses on building bridges between the worlds wisdom traditions and on healing the relationship between humankind and all living beings"
Yesterday I had the honor of attending my first
Traditional Sweat Lodge
I signed up for it last week during my flying bravery
and didn't remember I was going to do it until the night before
Truth be told I was terrified
mostly because of my history as a young girl with asthma
feeling like I cannot breath has always been a fear for me, as well as closed spaces with a lot of people in them. I haven't analyzed that "fear" yet but I just know that it sucks and I hate it. Enough analyzation about that.
My friend who did it last year told me the space usually is very cramped, with like fourty people
but it was something I really wanted to do
and I had a good friend with me to hold my hand
Amy has been such a dear and inspiration to me
I am very thankful she encouraged me to do this

If you didn't know, we are having terrible storms in NY
everything soaking, rain like I have never seen before
Huge blundery swarms of thunder and lightening
Just like I like it
The rain poured down on us as soon as we entered the lodge
It couldn't have been choreographed more perfectly

What I experienced in the Lodge was one of my most sacred acts of communing that I have ever experienced.
I can't really give it justice to explain it, except to say that I am thrilled to have been a part of it and
honored to have witnessed the prayers and wishes and healing that were the result of a really sacred man conducting an ancient healing ritual with a group of seekers. He cut right to the chase and cut out all of the bullshit with the shamalamadingdongs. We did four rounds of time around fourty minutes long, and it got progressively hotter. At the end we had the pipe ceremony which made me a little nervous because of my abstinence from tobacco but it was, as he explained, the way we connect breath to God. We sang. We prayed. We cried. We laughed. And we sweat, sweat, sweat, all the shit outta our bodies and spirits and mind. The hot stones are beautiful, we welcomed each one of them in, and then he sprayed them with herbs and they sparkled like stars in the sky. It was so dark and hot at some points I was overwhelmed, had to keep my head to the ground so I could breathe. At some point you push yourself so hard physically that you have no choice but to leave your body. And lets just say I was flying. Praying my heart out. Crying my eyes out. And then the calm comes. The air comes. The rain beats down. You take a break and do your water cycle and remember what is like to not be that hot and dark. And then, just a feeling of clean, purification. A new promise. A new commitment. A rebirth for lack of a better term.

Carl Big Heart is the real deal. I am always weary of people who consider themselves this or that, hooey phooey, and there is a lot of it.Especially here. Especially for someone from San Francisco who has been witness to people who consider themselves healer or "yogi'er than though" or Guru because they signed up for something on the internet and took a weekend class in it. I had witness to a real man with a real healing tradition in an amazing ceremony, and it is something I will always be so grateful for.

The picture above is an idea of what we usually think contemporary sweat lodges look like, but the one below is what they usually do look like. Not the romantic Tee Pee visions of Fantastical history, but more rustic structures with big woolen blankets that look like huts. I did not photgraph our lodge out of respect, but instead googled one because stealing pictures is much more in my moral code!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

More Pics of Sister Alice

Just wanted to post these because they are fun
Against every grain in my body I was coerced into playing my dear teacher in a skit that her more livelier attendees wanted to perform. I know I was chosen because of my hair, now that it is grown the BUN IS BACK!Here we are putting in on for her, and it was hysterical.

Also here is me holding my guts in as I am singing in front of people.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Arts Week

This week is ARTS week at Omega
I can't even begin to explain the extravaganza
Gorgeous beautiful Intense
We have Trapeeze
yes real Trapeeze
People pushing their boundaries and flying through the air
With the greatest of ease
I signed up for the Lottery for the opporutunity to do this
and was thankful that my name was NOT called te he he
I am so afraid of heights
but I guess that is the point!

We have Touch Painting by Deborah Koff Chapin
She has done "Soul Cards" and created this kind of painting
to make it accessable to everyone
I have been using this deck as Tarot for years
Met her and painted with her today
This meant so much to me
It was amazing to share this with her
she really appreciated it
even though I kinda stalked her te he he
This is me with her in her class and some of my artwork
After drawing Spirals ( ;), M ) the whole time
She asked us to pick one of her cards
which one did I pick?
the spiral...
The Universe is a Wonderful Place.

We had a puppet procession
with the members of the Puppetry class
Here is some pics of us being goofy
and then it was off to the Student Pagent
Where we opened up with Gospel
(pics in previous post)
Shook the place to the core!

Wednesday I also had an opportunity
to take part of Maureen Flemmings Dance Class
She teaches a method called
Dancing the Internal Body
Felt a lot like Modern/Yoga/Pilates
very interesting and inspiring
she's a great dance instructor

Life is good dear readers
Life is good

"Your pain is breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding"
Kahlil Gibran
The Prophet

I am off to a traditional Native American Sweat Lodge this evening
Pray that I am able to breathe and face my fear of enclosed spaces

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Amazing Grace

Just Amazing
We are offered hundreds of interesting courses here
Eastern Western Northern Southern
all over the map
And somewhere in my heart
I decided to take Gospel Singing Community

Sister Alice is from a strong Baptist church in PA
She has been coming and teaching Gospel
to Omega for
almost twenty years
People come every year (some for decades) to be a part of this
I cannot even express what this class this week has given to me

First is singing
A lot of it
eight hours a day
songs songs beautiful songs
and they arn't all about
The Lord
and it's ok
I actually don't mind singing about
The Lord
cause God is God is God
no matter what you call it
All I know is that I have been seriously touched
years of confusion and anger and saddness and depression
washed away washed away washed away

On Thursday night we all performed
Opened up the show
What a time it was
to be up there singing
with a great group of people
once again
I have been flying all week
and I didn't even get to the trapeeze yet!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Blessed to be a Witness

My two closest friends here
Are Karin and Jerry
Karin has moved all over the country/world
and spent a lot of time in SF
It was on the minute we met
Total Jersey Girl dirty laugh and all
She totally gets me and I get her

Jerry Rocks
He is from Park Slope Brooklyn
a Fire Fighter Yogi
whoooo hooooo

(both pictured here to my left)

The three of us have had this great circle here
have just a blast together
We are all Virgo's
and we also have something else very important in common
This struck me to the core the other night

Karin lived in New Orleans prior to Katrina
She was on her way to the Superdome
and received a phone call from a Professor
who offered her a ride out of there
Right before it hit
She knows how blessed she is to have had a cell phone and a friend

Jerry was a Fire Fighter
During 911
He claims weeks after helping search for his brothers and sisters
in the aftermath
He could tap on his legs and soot would come out of his pores
He has done his work ( and is doing his work)
to make sense of this senselessness
and his light burns bright

And I
sat on the beach
and prayed
as One Hundred and Fifty thousand
(maybe more)
souls perished
One hour away from where I landed safely
From the Tsumami
Thank you Spirit
Thank you thank you thank you

While these events charge our undercurrent
The three largest catastrophies of our time
We live with these memories
and I do believe it is part of what has drawn us together
to be able to honor these events
with reverence
and celebrate the life
that is still ours to be

and again
I pray:

Full Coverage: Indonesia
Enlarge Photo
Death toll in Indonesia tsunami at 86
AP - 46 minutes ago

JAKARTA, Indonesia - A powerful earthquake sent a 6-foot-high tsunami crashing into beach resorts on Indonesia's Java island Monday, killing at least 86 people, leaving scores missing and sending thousands fleeing to higher ground, officials and witnesses said. Regional bulletins that the 7.7-magnitude undersea earthquake was strong enough to send a killer wave steaming toward the country worst hit by the 2004 Asian tsunami did not reach the victims, because the nation's main island has no warning system.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Meat Less Meat Balls

Enough Salad
Enough Tofu
Enough Water
Enough Chakra Heelie Feelie Hoo HA ShamalamadingdongOm's as Amy would say

We wanted Meat and Alcohol
And we wanted it now

So off we went, Off Campus
we couldn't be more Giddy
Into the beautiful Village of Rhinebeck in search
of alcohol and flesh and loud music

We told our Wonderful waitress if she brought us
Vegetables or Salad she would make us Sad
She was so adorable...
Had to have the Tuna, had a few bites of a burger which
I really really regretted later
Lets just say that...

This is Amy and Karin and B
The lovely ladies of Omega that I have had such good times with
When I came to Omega I thought, oh friends, I have been so blessed
This time will be just about me and what I am supposed to be doing
Wow how wrong I was
After this we went to dance to the Reaggae Music that was playing
in the Lake House for Us
And we giggled very loudly coming back
after embracing civiliation again
to Return

Friday, July 14, 2006

Blue Moon

Last night was super super Fun
We had a Staff Dance
how 7th grade of us
and me and my girlies got all dressed up
Even bought a oh so frowned upon bottle of Makers Mark
(this one's for you WT! said a special toast to you!)
and mixed it with GASP
cherry coke
caffiene and sugar and a corporate company
oh the evils, te he he
I can't tell you how big a deal this is here for us
lotsa people drink but it's the first time for me putting something
other than veg or protein in my body
and whoa did I feel it
mmmm mmmmm good
esp this morning oh my
but oh so worth it

We danced our asses off so fun
At the end he played a Spearhead song
"From the East to the West"
Felt like HOME
I felt my peeps and my home and my love
Michael F. was here in the spring so his love is still fresh here...

Then went to the Lake and watched the *stars*
and moon rise...
oh the simple pleasures
Stars in SF are a novelty
they are my ceiling

Feeling a lot better
Had a great Hike yesterday (over 5 miles)
and then my first Kayak ride around the Lake
so blessed am I

This upcoming week I am taking a class all week
It's called "Gospel Music Community" with
Sister Alice Martin
She is one of the most highly regarded gospel leaders of our time, and will be exploring southern gospels, hymns, calypso, anthems, and vocal tecnhiques. I am so very excited, I thought this was a good way to mix my singing with my spirituality and I am so looking forward to this!

And these are pictures of us being goofy in the Library
We went to go check the "chi" machine... don't ask
and found this!
the pop up book of phobias!
how *fantastic*
This are my friends Amy and Karin with a Microphone for Public Speaking
and here is me
with my very own clown!
I know J and TT will get a hoot outta this pic! wink wink ; )

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Since you asked

Wanting to check in with you all
I will post this here
It is a email to a dear friend of mine
and it pretty much sums up where I am at:

Since you asked darlin
It's been a rough couple of days
Just peeling back the layers, trying to see what is there
Feeling like here I should be all joy
I have this wonderful opportunity to be here
and I am having a really rough time with it
Today is better
Trying to do good things
last night tai chi and a great seminar on Kabbalah
some LIve Indian music was playing
and I danced my ass off
lots of sauna breathing it out
wanted very much to talk with you last night
that part is frustrating, not having my own phone
feeling a bit dissconected to my people
the new ones I am making are good though, yet sometimes a bit complicated
what else is new I guess i can be complicated too
then there was this animal preying around my tent in the middle of the night
scary, is it a skunk or a coyote? stayed up all night with my big flashlight in my hand to fend it off
swore I was leaving today because of it
Oh the middle of the night worries
Today is my day off
working on my resume, feeling a big of anxiety about what's next
and how about you my dear? how are you?
I want to know

Sunday, July 09, 2006

What can I tell you

Ever see Dirty Dancing?
Yea, it's like that
except with a lot of OM's
instead of Oi's
It's so intense here
You get to know people really quickly
you also get to know yourself
a day feels like a week
I can't believe it's only been two
we settle into our patterns
our habits
our behaviors
our people
so interesting, it tis...

These pictures are from around the campus
just gorgeous
more to come soon

I have definately been on my ride
It's the full moon
and I am a hostage to my hormones
just riding it out riding it out

I am building solid diciplines
solid practice
around self care
self love
And the bigger picture
the Universal picture
it's opening


I am thinking of staying until the end of October
haven't totally decided yet
but did talk to my boss lady about it
she said "i'll keep ya" : )
things are really good
I know this
and also it gives me more time to plan
"whats next"
cause truly I don't know
and this Power of Now shit will not pay the bills...

Haven't resolved the East Coast West Coast conflict
but I will look into all options as initially planned

Meanwhile I am dreaming of my friends babies
My friends Christy and Eric and Dav and Mie had babies this week
My Auntie web grows....

Meanwhile in spider land
I should mention they are not really spiders
they really gross me out
esp since I learned that they carry enough poison to paralyze an elephant
but no teeth to bite
nature is cruel
ugly and not able to do anything about their bitter little lives...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

How to Go to Burning man Without actually Going

I stole this from Tribe
I love it
I dunno bout going this year
I have been going for EIghT consecutive years
and may need to take a year offI am having dreams of going of course
I have learned to never say never
and it would be a great time to see my West Coast Family
we'll see
it's a frikin hooooooot

How to enjoy the Burning Man Experience
from the Comfort of your Own Home:

Pay an escort of your affectional preference subset to not
bathe for five days, cover themselves in glitter, dust, and
sunscreen, wear a skanky neon wig, dance close naked,
then say they have a lover back home at the end of the night.

Tear down your house. Put it in a truck.
Drive 10 hours in any direction. Put the house back together.
Invite everyone you meet to come over and party.
When they leave, follow them back to their homes,
drink all their booze, and break things.

Stack all your fans in one corner of the living room.
Put on your most fabulous outfit.
Turn the fans on full blast.
Dump a vacuum cleaner bag in front of them.

Buy a new set of expensive camping gear.
Break it.

Lean back in a chair until that point where you’re just
about to fall over, but you catch yourself at the last
moment. Hold that position for 9 hours.

Only use the toilet in a house that is at least 3 blocks away.
Drain all the water from the toilet.
Only flush it every 3 days.
Hide all the toilet paper.

Set your house thermostat so it's 50 degrees for the first
hour of sleep and 100 degrees the rest of the night.

Cut, burn, electrocute, bruise, and sunburn various
parts of your body. Forget how you did it.
Don't go to a doctor.

"Downsize" last year's camp by adding two geodesic domes,
a new sound system, art car, and 20 newbies.

Don't sleep for 5 days.
Take a wide variety of hallucinogenic/emotion altering drugs.
Pick a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Spend a whole year rummaging through thrift stores
for the perfect, most outrageous costume.
Forget to pack it.

Shop at Wal-mart, Cost-Co, and Home Depot until your car
is completely packed with stuff.
Tell everyone that you're going to a "Leave-No-Trace" event.
Empty your car into a dumpster.

Read "Dhalgren" by Samuel R. Delany.
Read "The City Not Long After" by Pat Murphy.
Cut off the bindings, throw all the pages up in the air,
and shuffle them back together.
Reread "The City After Dhalgren" by Samuel Murphy.
Burn it. Read the ashes.

Listen to music you hate for 168 hours straight, or until
you think you are going to scream. Scream.
Realize you’ll love the music for the rest of your life.

Spend 5 months planning a "theme camp" like it’s the invasion of Normandy.
Spend Monday-Wednesday building the camp.
Spend Thurs-Sunday nowhere near camp because you're sick of it.

Walk around your neighborhood and knock on doors until
someone offers you cocktails and dinner.

Bust your ass for a "community."
See all the attention get focused on the drama queen crybaby.

Get so drunk you can't recognize your own house.
Walk slowly around the block for 5 hours.

Tell your boss you aren't coming to work this week but
he should "gift" you a paycheck anyway.
When he refuses accuse him of not loving the "community".

Search alleys untill you find a couch so unbelievably tacky and
nasty filthy that a state college frat house wouldn't want it.
Take a nap on the couch and sleep like you are king of the world.

Ask your most annoying neighbor to interrupt your fun several
times a day with third hand gossip about every horrible thing that's
happened in the last 24 hours. Have them wear khaki.

Go to a museum. Find one of Salvador Dali’s more
disturbing but beautiful paintings. Climb inside it.

Before eating any food, drop it in a sandbox and lick a battery.

Mail $200 to the Reno casino of your choice.

Spend thousands of dollars and several months of your life
building a deeply personal art work. Hide it in a funhouse
on the edge of the city. Hire people to come by
and alternate saying "I love it" and "this sucks balls".
Blow it up.

Set up a DJ system downwind of a three alarm fire.
Play a short loop of drum'n'bass until the embers are

Make a list of all the things you'll do different next year.
Never look at it.

Have a 3 a.m. soul baring conversation with a drag nun
in platforms, a crocodile, and Bugs Bunny. Be unable
to tell if you're hallucinating. Lust after Bugs Bunny.

Friday, July 07, 2006


So my job here at Omega
is in Reception
basically my department checks in every stressed New Yorker
after three hours of traffic
and no food
then we get them ready
on prepare them
through maps keys and our database system
to become actualized
in one Two Day Seminar
How Very....

I am so thankful for my de-escalation skills
and mostly the time goes fast
apparently this is a premium gig
computer access and air conditioning
it's no cleaning toilets i'll tell you
but it does get hectic

Today I am here for an eight hour shift
no break
it is "Transition Day" so new seminars for the weekend begin
see for more info in you are curious
but lets just say
My favorite titles for workshops are a tie this weekend
"Tango with the Buddha" and "Beyond Basketball" are my personal favs

So I met this 82 year old woman this week
From France now living in Florida
and she has been everywhere done everything
just so cute in her scarves and outfits and accent
She came to take an Immersion in Spanish class
How amazing, a new language at her stage in life
Reminds me of my own dear Gma
So when she was saying Aideu
She reminded me by telling me her own story
That we all have a Destiny

Wham Bam Whoosh
thats right
I haven't thought of this in a very long time
I have had a strong Faith in that I have one
even though it is an ambiguous concept
and it might be blind faith
but something in her wise ways gave me that belief again
and when I think about this
I take a deep breath
and realize that all I need to do is remain quieted so that I can hear the directions
taking me where I am supposed to be
with who
and the why will be discovered

Thursday, July 06, 2006

What goes Up

This week has been very full indeed
"They" say that one week at Omega is like a month in real time
And How!
After a long haul working I finally had some time to "come down"
I found myself on Monday and Tuesday sitting with some things that I needed to reckon with
This is good
Now that I don't have the (wonderful) distraction of my move, my transition, spending time with family, getting here and settling in
the real work begins
I found myself really kinda low for a day or two
Checked in with myself and others
checked in with nature spirit and my body
Been doing A Lot of body work
Tons of walking and yoga and belly dance and movement
it feels so good

Feeling solid and grounded again
a bit of anticipatory anxiety about whats next
but I know those messages will come in time
As if on cue
I have run into that "how can i create a position for myself here"
meaning counseling
maybe beginning a womans group
trying to run the place
oh the curse of the macro vision
and yet nothis is what I do not need to do right now
got a clear message about that
and my natural inclination for putting my attention
on others
oh what a wonderful distraction

I remain
Open yet protected
What I know is that I can do the Social part
I thankfully make friends easily
I am blessed
What I don't do so much is just sit and be silent
I have to dicipline myself
take walks without music
listen to the breeze the birds the buzz
listen to myself listen to spirit

So that's where I am at
and it is good
it is good

These are pictures of me in
and looking out
of my tent
it's like my little tree house!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


This is what I call this area
Dutchess County

isn't that just adorable?just incredible
rolling hills beautiful barns lush gardens
breathe deep breathe it in

I took these pictures on my 4.7 mile hike
around the lake we live on
I love to do this
It gets me "off campus" for a minute
and it is just the best "work out"
mentally and physically most of all spiritually

These pictures are from the Fourth of July
After my hike I went to a "BBQ" in our trailer park
love it so Carnie
of course no meat to be found
tofu pups and garden burgers
(i have been vegan for two weeks now
how bout that)
then went to a seminar on VisionSeeker's
About the Shamanic experience
of course I add a grain of salt to all of these workshops
but I had met this man Wesselman during the week
a UC Berkeley professor
and I really enjoyed what he shared

After went for my nightly Sauna
a whole other experience I will share at a later point
no fireworks to be found (not environmentally friendly)
but tons of fireflies

Post Script
Sorry haven't posted in a while
Frikin Mercury Retrograde has me challeneged with my camera
and so here is about a week's worth of material!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Preview

I swear I will get back to taking pictures
Ive been very busy working, walking,dancing,
hanging by the lake, and trying not to kill spiders
I swear I wouldn't
I never do ever ever ever
but we made a deal
If you come on my bed,
you will die
that is just a rule, and they broke it
Next morning, I had momma spider staring at me
I think she brought baby brother spider with her

to make me feel extra guilty
I did

So the big thing now is Lyme disease
apparently everybody is getting it
so now I am like checking myself every five minutes
the big pick up line is
Hey baby can I check you for tics?
Place is a huge pick up joint
can't really tell who's gay though
East coast men are super sexually ambiguous
in a different way than
Polyamorous Vegan Bisexual Jewish Buddists are
Just different
but refreshing
another big thing is Professors and young lady students
how cliche really
We have some big names here
I have lots of dirt
and will not air it here
Lets just say the Skydancing Tantra Sexual Extacy Course with Margot Anand this weekend has been Very Interesting
Anyway here is a taster of some pics
it's from my long walk today
got away from campus for a big to align myself again
feeling a bit squirely but good
it's so idyllic here
big sprawling farms and beautiful houses
well kept in a country kinda way

and I fall asleep to toads mating
fireflies twinkling
stars gazing

I think of Toni and Rachel every time I see a firefly
and I see a lot of them : )

Long Overdue II

Ok more pictures for you
Me and my Step sister Celeste
Me and my DAD
My dad and Marilyn my step mum
My car
Stickers that were already on my car and how I knew I loved it the minute I saw them cause I am all aboput stars and blue so there you go
Still no name for the car, I need to drive it more... it'll come to me

Rhinebeck Omega Pictures yet to come...